Going "Green" in transportation!


New member
Tired of coal and oil burners on your sea?

Try a topsail Schooner!!

Needs running rig, and then tested, but then yours to sail about!



the tramp steamer is being tested currently by Pencil, should be out shortly
Drive able?
How many Polys?
Waht is animated?
Releasing handbrake:
- the animated anchor falls down. :D
driving a bend:
- the boad inclines a bit outside of bend
- the sails turns into the wind.
instead of opening doors:
a landing bridge will connect the pier and the boat. :cool:

At least it is a undescribable amazing "eco-" ship. :D
I definitely like it. What sort of time period 1850s? I could even use one on a period UK layout.

Thank you

Cheerio John
Very nice!:D I'm definitely getting this. A static model would also be useful.
One suggestion...It's impossible to keep the sides that clean when sailing among the weather and waves. is it possible to darken the sides a little?

:cool: Claude
cleaner sides,, needed dirty

Sure I could "dirty" one up for ya,, no problem, This master just runs a very tight ship is all, She is just all bristol fasion you know!

But yes,, Ill be sure to add a Liverpooler to the fleet!