Going away for a while.


Trainz user since 2003
For those who know me really well you will already know the reason why but for those who actually care :p I will tell you all. I am going into hospital to have a hole in my heart sewn up. Not too sure when but it should be by the end of *September. This will be the full monty open heart jobby with me being on a heart lung machine but I will be back I promise.
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For those who know me really well you will already know the reason why but for those who actually care :p I will tell you all. I am going into hospital to have a hole in my heart sewn up. Not too sure when but it should be by the end of april. This will be the full monty open heart jobby with me being on a heart lung machine but I will be back I promise.

Hi Louise,

All the best. We, will, be thinking of you. And looking forward to you returning here.

For those who know me really well you will already know the reason why but for those who actually care :p I will tell you all. I am going into hospital to have a hole in my heart sewn up. Not too sure when but it should be by the end of april. This will be the full monty open heart jobby with me being on a heart lung machine but I will be back I promise.

All the best to you during your hospital stay. My cousin had the same operation as he also had a hole in his heart also so I have a good idea what your going through.

Take care.

Take good care of yourself until the docs are ready for you, Louise. Be sure to let us know when you are going in so we can wish you well then.


Good luck Louise, hope this op goes well for you. Remember, each op you have just adds another medal to you :P
May everything go fine and dandy Louise.

I also have a small hole in my heart, leading to me having a loss of breath easily :(

All the best,
Take care Louise, hope to see you back soon:), I'll pray that you make it well through the surgery and have a good recovery, Be wary of the doctor who keeps one hand on his scalpel and the other in your purse:hehe:

Best wishes Louise,

As a Paramedic, I hear a lot from patients who have had similar procedures and also from doctors that perform them. I've no doubt that you will be in capable hands and I sincerely hope that you aren't too nervous... you are going to be just fine!

I'll look for your triumphant return in the chat room.
