gmax help


New member
Next we'll make destination displayer. On create tab of command panel.
Push second from left icon. and push Rectangle and make rectangle where you want to
make destination displayer.

Select polygon where destination displayer will set. push most left icon above dropdown box
on command panel and select Compound Object. Push ShapeMerge and push Pick OperandB
and make sure move is checked below(this means, shape will deleted after shapemearge).
Select Rectangle you just made before. Exterior polygon is cuttered with rectangle shape.

On modifier stuck, it became ShapeMerge. so convert to Editable Poly.
Select Polygon you just made. We move this polygon to inward a little bit.

On command panel, push Extrude and input -0.03 and push enter key. polygon was extruded inward.

ok i am trying to do this by reading the tutorial site but i just cannot get this to work. my train requires this job on the front of it but when i try to do it...
1. i cannot select rectangle
2. starts drawing lines everywhere (unlike pics on site)
3. in the end, nothing works, extrude doesn't work either

HELP!!! what am I doing wrong?
Cant see your screenshots,but it sounds as if you are in line drawing mode if you can see extrude. and if you are trying to make a rectangle you should be looking for standard primitives/compound objects. (at work and havent got gmax with me so be patient) on the menu on the left hand side select where you can create shapes like box, sphere plane etc. when you are in that section there is a little window in that menu that says standard primitives, click on the arrow next to it and you will see compund objects in the dropdown list, by the looks of the tutorial you listed , I think thats where you want to be.

ok i fixed that issue but a new problem has surfaced.

this above is supposed to be the correct image

in gmax the lower right corner is messed up. how do I fix this?
if the actual object with the destination info is a seperate object to the grey area surrounding it, then the destination object in the corner needs to move forward or "proud " of the grey surrounding object. if it is part of the same grey surrounding object, than it looks like a texturing problem
one more question - i got the previous item all sorted out.

I want to embed a picture into my model but in a small specific portion. How would I go about doing this?

I tried making a rectangle, convert to editable poly and tried to embed a picture from there with UVW Map but it doesn't work ...
