Giving up on trainz


New member
:( I tired of marking routes, only to have ts2006 freez up or tell me there are no maps. Or to install tranz classic and not be able to down keeps tell me to regester & it's been for months. Auran can take their products and but them where the sun don't shine. They sell us junk with more bugs in it than an old hous with termints
If the concept still attracts you and it's only the mechanics of the program that are causing frustration, it might be worth trying TRS2004. For route creation it's far more stable than TRS2006. You should be able to find a copy at a discount price I think. In Britain it's widely available for five pounds (equivalent to about ten US dollars).

:( I tired of marking routes, only to have ts2006 freez up or tell me there are no maps. Or to install tranz classic and not be able to down keeps tell me to regester & it's been for months. Auran can take their products and but them where the sun don't shine. They sell us junk with more bugs in it than an old hous with termints

There are more bugs in your typing skills then there are in any of the Trainz versions. :wave:
Sorry to hear that.

I have been trainzing for more than five years now and found no major drawback for stopping using it since Trainz 1.1 up to TRS2006. I left TC apart since its concept is not my kind (but it works fine and steadily).

I must admit that sometimes it doesn't depend on the software itself but on different skills from users. Nobody was born knowing how to use Excel or Photoshop. ;)

Anyway, good luck with your decision. Please, don't try RS, if so, you'll come back to TRS at once, horrified!

Take care anywhere you moor at,

Alberte :wave:
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To fix the not registered problem, go to the Settings directory and remove the read-only attribute from your userd.txt file. This problem has been addressed in several threads before.
I've tried every permutated version of Trainz and quickly came to the conclusion that TRS2004 was the last truly stable program.
I have the Trainz Railwayz DVD version of TRS2006 and it's solid as a rock. That's not an opinion or a point of view, just stone cold facts.
I've had nothing but fun and enjoyment from my experience with Trainz. I admire the programmers as I could not create anything similar myself.
I truely wish that those that choose to leave our community, did so quietly, bit the bullet and left without what seems to have become almost a traditional, 'I've had it....I'm leaving' scenario. I would love to see the energy focussed on leaving, being utilised in making sure the community survives. It would be a shrewd step if 'I'm leaving postings' were ignored and perhaps we could hope they would dwindle away.............

(I've never moved forward from 2004 - still finding it a superb programme that does everything 'I' want...........)

Here's to a long future.

You'll always have the "drama queens" who have to make a big deal out of it. If you are having problems and need help, just ask.
You'll always have the "drama queens" who have to make a big deal out of it. If you are having problems and need help, just ask.
Yeah, It's always been the case. Big flamboyant exit and then the...'I'm back'....I'm grateful to all concerned as I've always had my queries answered and feel part of a community sharing a common purpose. The leavers just tend to take our eye off the ball.
I'm sure, if properly managed, we can keep our community needs all to be focussed and the potential leavers to either leave or give it their best shot in the quest for longevity..............

Regards to all,

I have had the occasional zilch along the way but I come from a family that is thrawn by tradition! So I don't give up easily. I know it can't be much fun if something happens and you can't seem to get past it but that is what these forums are for and I have had some great help over the past couple of years. Health-wise having a problem there, Trainz was a great find and allowed me to do things I would never manage to create route-wise anywhere else. It is often a kind of modern idiom just to walk off. Being a Glaswegian Presbyterian am naturally made of some stern stuff.....! Stick with it and always ask for help.
i don't get it ! Why am i one of the only ones with a working 2006 copy ! It dosen't freeze the only time i get an error is when i undo to many times and CMP works perfectly everytime !

i don't get it ! Why am i one of the only ones with a working 2006 copy ! It dosen't freeze the only time i get an error is when i undo to many times and CMP works perfectly everytime !


Well, if you would read the forum, for some TRS 2006 works perfectly and for some TRS 2004 is the perfect game. I own both versions and I still prefer TRS 2004 for content creating, for route building and in general for all my trainzing. As it is stable, with NO sound issues etc. in contrast to my TRS 2006 version which only gets used to see if my creations work there as well.

I do have issues on 3 of my PCs with TRS 2006 but not with TRS 2004, hence my preference for it. But this does not need to be discussed here as this debate has been trashed to death over the last 3 years or so. Life goes on and so does my TRS 2004 :clap:

To each their own :)



There are so many variables here and they are possibly the reasons why one version of 2006 will work perfectly on one PC while it totally collapses on another.
While it does seem 06 has some bugs that refuse to go away, i.e the sound one, the vast majority of problems most likely come from computer configurations and hardware/software combos. For instance, if some brave soul were to sit down and work out all the different variations they would probably still be at it the day they begin to draw their pensions!

Were things so varied back in the days of 2004? PC development moves on apace so it is likely that frustrating hiccups are caused more by which PC you have on your desktop that 2006 itself. The program is a program and is exactly the same on every CD, that doesn't change. What changes is the lottery of who buys it and what their machine is like, how that works and its specs.
Perhaps somebody who has a perfectly good running 2006 would care to list here their PCs specs then others can get the same.
It would also be interesting to see of two PCs with the same specs (are there 2 such beasts?) run 2006 in exactly the same way. In theory they should, but what does theory count when we are working with a computer!

Hi Angela,

I have often thought that everyone's computer is different.

As soon as I load any program onto the system there are possible interactions - for example:-

I install Office 2003. This then updates itself (service patches etc), so does Win XP (continually).

I reckon that by now, two computers set up with jsut XP & Office 2203 wil be different. There will be different printers installed, different language settings - plus different bits of Win XP options.

If you consider that no-one actually runs a "plain" PC + Trainz then the possible interactions are emormous and unpredictable. Personally I've had no problems with 2006, CMP, DLS at all. Others seen to have problems all the time.


you for one are not alone, i to have gliches, whether it is or isn't my system for eg trs2006 came out in think 2005 and the first time of course it ran perfectly and it's been some time since i last ran it, because i've since upgraded my system eg os is now vista home premium. where as it was '98 and xp before that but i don't blame that entirely it could be that i don't have an fct. and i'm not able to download stuff either from cmp or any where i just plodding along.