Ghostly White Downloads


Will wonders never ceast to happen to me.

Was working in trs06 adding a few dump trucks, the Dragline Big Muskie , ten dump trucks, the Shell tanker, the BP tanker, Cat 950G, pluse a few other items Loaded. They all turned a "Ghostly White Color".

Checked on down thru the Objects Tab and found other items the same.

Went over to TRS04 and found the same thing.
Not my video card for this only appears in Trainz. But did download the current drivers just in case.

Running the Nvida 7300 Graphes card.

I deleted all ghost color items,reloaded them and got the same thing.
Any ideas, sure hope so.

Thanks, max
Don't know but you might try moving the performance sliders more to the right just to see if anything improves.

Will wonders never ceast to happen to me.

Was working in trs06 adding a few dump trucks, the Dragline Big Muskie , ten dump trucks, the Shell tanker, the BP tanker, Cat 950G, pluse a few other items Loaded. They all turned a "Ghostly White Color".

Checked on down thru the Objects Tab and found other items the same.

Went over to TRS04 and found the same thing.
Not my video card for this only appears in Trainz. But did download the current drivers just in case.

Running the Nvida 7300 Graphes card.

I deleted all ghost color items,reloaded them and got the same thing.
Any ideas, sure hope so.

Thanks, max

Just so you know Max, I have the same problem with my 04. It seems to have developed only recently though. The difference is my 7300GS card I have installed. Somehow, it is my guess, that the card is responsible. While I don't experience it with any other program.... just Trainz....I can't help but feel they are connected somehow. It is most annoying in Night Mode and as of this point in time, I don't have any answers.

A couple of questions:

A) What resolution do you run Trainz at?
B) What amount of Anti-Aliasting and Anisotropic Filtering do you use?
C) How much VRAM is installed on your card?
D) Do you have many or few textures on your screen and does it happen to the object when on a blank baseboard?

Perhaps it is your video card. You may be overloading the amount of VRAM (Video RAM) on your graphics card which would cause white-outs and graphical anomalies.

As a precaution, enter your BIOS (which is done by pressing the appropriate key during the post data when booting, normally the DEL key). Search through until you find the words "AGP Aperture Size". If that value is below 64, set it to 128, if it still occurs, try 256, and so on.

Hi Max --

Have you tried running in both OpenGL and DirectX?

I had a similar problem with some objects in OpenGL. Using DirectX cured it.

To bad Auran can't seem to pick up on iteams that are causing lots of folks problems.

Could someone tell us just what video cards would past the musster for Auran.

Maybe there TECHS are really not that sharp.

I may be wrong and I may catch h--- from one of the moderators, but it seems to me Auran relies to much on 3rd party help to help people solve there problembs.

Thank to those that have answered my 1st post on this.

To bad one of the post did not have a correct answer.
I have a 6800GT256Meg and I get the same thing in 1600x800 dual screen.

If I pan out certain items go white, if I scroll in they come back.
other items just dont show at all occasionally.

More recently I had textures that just disappeared and never returned and reinstalling didnt help either.

And I agree with your question, I have twice the amount of recommended specs in every region.

Whats good enough?
Changed the graphics card recently?

This happened to me when I replaced my 5900XT with a 6800Ultra...

A) What resolution do you run Trainz at?
B) What amount of Anti-Aliasting and Anisotropic Filtering do you use?
C) How much VRAM is installed on your card?
D) Do you have many or few textures on your screen and does it happen to the object when on a blank baseboard?

A) 1024
B) None
C) 256
D) it can happen any time, any place, anywhere and it tends to be the class 26s that are afflicted although other locos occasionally get it too.

Perhaps it is your video card.
Correct deduction Mr Watson but your reasoning as to why is flawed.

You may be overloading the amount of VRAM (Video RAM) on your graphics card which would cause white-outs and graphical anomalies.
not necessarily. Memory fills up, memory empties... what happens to me is things start to disappear if memory problems start to rear their heads.

As a precaution, enter your BIOS (which is done by pressing the appropriate key during the post data when booting, normally the DEL key). Search through until you find the words "AGP Aperture Size". If that value is below 64, set it to 128, if it still occurs, try 256, and so on.

Already set for 256 and it wouldn't make the blindest bit of difference anyway although it would appear to help. After all, you are blowing down the memory and restarting windows.

you know what fixed it for me?

Reinstalling windows from the ground up...

works perfectly now.


@ HJP,

I don't remember asking you any questions now did I?

@ tractorking,

Turn down your resolution, it's causing you to run out of VRAM. Same thing happened to me when I upped it to 1600x1200.

A couple of questions:

A) What resolution do you run Trainz at?

- 1024X768

B) What amount of Anti-Aliasting and Anisotropic Filtering do you use?

- None or not known as it is controlled by the computer.

C) How much VRAM is installed on your card?

- 256MB

D) Do you have many or few textures on your screen and does it happen to the object when on a blank baseboard?

- it will happen on the wire screen view as well as textured view.

Perhaps it is your video card. You may be overloading the amount of VRAM (Video RAM) on your graphics card which would cause white-outs and graphical anomalies.

As a precaution, enter your BIOS (which is done by pressing the appropriate key during the post data when booting, normally the DEL key). Search through until you find the words "AGP Aperture Size". If that value is below 64, set it to 128, if it still occurs, try 256, and so on.

- I have tried to locate this in my BIOS but have not found it. I have Windows XP and the BIOS settings are different from my previous version of Windows.

- Could it have anything to do with my Trainz Objects settings?

To bad Auran can't seem to pick up on iteams that are causing lots of folks problems.

Could someone tell us just what video cards would past the musster for Auran.

Maybe there TECHS are really not that sharp.

I may be wrong and I may catch h--- from one of the moderators, but it seems to me Auran relies to much on 3rd party help to help people solve there problembs.

Thank to those that have answered my 1st post on this.

To bad one of the post did not have a correct answer.

Trainz or rather the Auran Jet engine was created at a point in time. At that point in time it worked with a range of nVidia graphics cards. The resolution was probably high end 1024 by 768. Since then the world has changed. Also we talk about OpenGL and DirectX as standards, unfortunately OpenGL is a flexible standard that can be extended by graphic card manufacturers. It takes about five years to go through a full standards process such as OSI by which time programmers are doing things differently and the graphic card manufacturers have changed their ideas. Trainz always has been a bit leading edge i.e. actually uses things that many other programs don't bother with.

Now add into the mix the quality of the windows drivers and any other software you have installed or had installed for you such as spyware and viruses some of which hide themselves in the graphic card memory. Then add in automatic Windows updates and you have a basically unstable graphic environment. Especially if you have changed your video card and left traces of the old drivers around.

Oh and those voltage drops or brown outs when the fridge etc. starts up just as you were writing to the hard disk means not all your information gets written correctly so next time you read it in its corrupt.

Reality 1024 by 768 doesn't push things too far. If you have problems reinstalling windows and the Trainz software can do wonders and installing a UPS works wonders an well. We had a 90% drop in software problems after we dopped in APC UPSes, I suspect it helped on the brown out side.

Cheerio John
And the whiteness is fixed as follows...
When I first installed 06 I had white bits everywhere
Bogies were the most annoying
I fixed the problem by finding out
The black square that are used for texteruring must be square and to the power of 16 pixels.
Common sizes are 16*16
I found that if the texture was 32 x 16 or not square in any way the object could go white
I also found that if I replaced it with 128 x 128 or 16 x 16 it did not seam to matter. Mostly I used 64 x 64 just cause it was in the middle.
To find the wrongly sized squares
find and right click on the TRS2006 folder and click search
search for
view them as a thumbnails. It's really easy to see it they are not square.
Any that are oblong make square.
Easy way to do this is right click on the oblong picture.
Click Open Containing Folder

You must right click and copy
Right click on a file with the same name in the search window and drag it to the other window. Let it go and select copy. You will be asked if you want to overwrite the oblong file say yes

Repeat the steeps for black.jpg
also easy

lastly if anyone knows how to add thumb nail view to search for tga files please let me know'.

Search for black.tga
rather than viewing them as thumbnails view them as details
click on the size
you will see that there are many that are 1k and 2k etc
look for the ones that are odd sizes and these will be your problem files
Or open up all files and adjust the oblong ones to square
If you cannot view TGA files send me a email asking for L View PRO
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B WinJ5moore the fik, grrrrrreeeeeeaaaaarrrrr HEREAT now Veeeeeeerrrrrryyyy heavy. Sorry
John your so well thuouhtg prorgam did not mot work fof me.
Just to many things to dl and then restart. in the last 4 years havehad to do the 6 times. At my age and connidtion I can't affort to take the time tyring to get thingiis to work al theim. Gues I just have to rry and rework the rought. Darn shame I thought it was pretty good andI liked it. Only goy 26 six boards on it.

I get this g hoestly like color affect only on trainz both 2004 and 2006

Well tkanks for everyones help.
