Ghost in the Fog


A ghost of the Lehigh Valley Railroad mainline lies in the woods on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River.




Here is what the shots are based off of. Thank Sean LVman for finding this amazing photo

That is truly amazing grog.
That is, one of the many ghosts of the LVRR.
Today, it sits, dormant, unused.
Thanks for sharing that grog, you really help the Lehigh spirit live on.
Sean A.
TER Route Builder
Lehigh Valley Lover
I have an old Trainman cap badge that came from the old Leigh Valley Railroad. I got it at Joe's Contry Collectables for $12.00. Here's a picture of it after I gave it a little cleaning up. All the black in the lettering was gone, so I repainted the letters to make it look like new, I also gave the metal a bit of a shine, and I had to really clean the back of the badge. It was rusty. nice pictures. Looks very creepy. I use that badge when I am working at my job at a narrow guage railroad. I am full Trainman, and I am carrying a piece of the LVRR with me everytime I go. May LVRR finally R.I.P.!

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Out here in Idaho there are plenty of places where you can find old cuts, and grads where the railroad used to run. However you can't find anything like that. There's a water tower on the line to McCall, and a number of bridges around though.

its nothing like the lehigh valley.
there are ghosts of it everywhere.
i have one, that backs my property.
the old ROW of the naples branch.
in parts its grown over severely, other areas its cleared for use as a walking path.
stations, spikes, rails, ties, even an old turntable pit is still there, in naples.
lucky you the closest to something like that here is a old steel truss bidge form the donora southern