GG1 Reskin project


New member
I have 31 GG1's, most of them either Paintshed reskins, or done rather poorly, with low quality trucks.

I propose that we all try our hand at reskining the GG1 and customizing/weathering trucks, and posting screenshots, for either Wilh or Whitepass to view them, and give us permission, to either turn the reskins in to them for themselves to release, or for them to give us individual permission to release them.

Here's one of the most horrid paint schemes:
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139 GG1's were manufactured in Altoona Shops, and were towed to Harrisburg, where the electrification ended/began ... and out of 62 viewers ... and no one wants a mass reskin of GG1's, other than the 6 decent ones that exist ?
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I read it but I don't think a simple reskin is going to be enough. The one GG1 whose mesh shows promise has solid-colored trucks. Not much a skin will do to help that unless they are inexplicably mapped onto the solid texture.
Might just be because if anyone wanted one, they could pretty much just do it themselves... Just my opinion
If that was the grande attitude of the Community ... then we would not have anything on the DLS, nor anything on 3rd party sites ... and all our stuff would not be shared, and it would be only on our own PC's
My reasoning on this , There are two version from whitepass that are great . I use his models when driving in a session , with others pulling other consist . Plus other have skinned his models, his and magicman . I know there a lot of other out there that I'm sorry not to be mentioning

But seem more then just a skin would be needed to adequately depict different versions

But I've watching , and reading the subject of self adjusting catenary pantagraphs . And a buildup catenary for the PRR that could do the same .

But more electric would be always welcome. ( petrama25 ) had a model stated . liked to see his take on the great GG1 . ( PWeiser ) P5a's also need to be mention .


One not made as yet

A while back I tried reskinning a few GG1s that were out there, but not only were the maps on all of them too hard to work with for the project to be worth it, but also the meshes seem to be vertically squashed or dimensionally changed in odd ways. Both of these factors contributed to the finished products being below expectations, and therefore resulted in the project ultimately being abandoned.

But if anyone else wants to try for better results, be my guest.
Completely understood . I was under the impression you had done some skinning already. And was wondering which model you had used ? My 2004 work is gone , and was only paintshed quality at best . Playing around with whitepass's model . But my feeling is , that it isn't up to the standard of his work . :(

My reasoning on this , There are two version from whitepass that are great . I use his models when driving in a session , with others pulling other consist . Plus other have skinned his models, his and magicman . I know there a lot of other out there that I'm sorry not to be mentioning

But seem more then just a skin would be needed to adequately depict different versions

But I've watching , and reading the subject of self adjusting catenary pantagraphs . And a buildup catenary for the PRR that could do the same .

But more electric would be always welcome. ( petrama25 ) had a model stated . liked to see his take on the great GG1 . ( PWeiser ) P5a's also need to be mention .


One not made as yet


No. 4800 at the top is a Baldwin Westinghouse prototype ‘R1’ it was built as a potential alternative to the GG1 but was not put into series production. No, 4779 is a P5a Modified (modified from the box cab style P5a) Westinghouse and GE both made them...and you can get The P5aM from along with a load of other rare to train sim US electrics, all are excellent and work in TRS19 too!
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Do like WhitePass's GG1 despite of it using the default Auran "Gen gg" interior that is lower than it should be on that model because it's only made for the original GG1 models. When it comes to driving sessions, I'd probably might stick with the old Auran GG1 for inside cab shots while having Whitepass's GG1s pull AI trains.

Sportstertone, the prototype R1 does look like the old Lionel Postwar toy GG1 which I have an MTH O gauge version of in my collection and it's really nice. If an R1 could be made one day, then the toy GG1 could be possible to make.
The R1 was being developed to be mainly a fright engine if the PRR continued electrification to Pittsburg . That project was put on hold and latter canceled . The R1 tested OK , but didn't out perform the GG's to warrant production . The P5a have a strange history . The boxcab's were not liked due to accidents killing the crews in crossing and train's accident . But the P5a had the same limited visibly that crews hated also. And the deaths of crews did drop . But it's been argued over the years of the position of the engineer or changes that were put into effect after such deaths happen . As these accident also dropped .

I had started doing a R1 years ago . But that PC has been long gone . And it would take more time to find my files then to just restart . But I have a big project in the works on going . The P5's and P5a's are available by PWeiser on his site . There are a lot of people who have done great skins . That are all on the DLS

Really Railwoodman? My neck of the woods would've resembled a modern European rail line (like that of Germany) with Acela services to Pittsburgh if that would've happened and we unfortunately don't live in that reality.

I have heard about the P5a ever since it was in MTH catalogs several years back about how the original boxcab version collided with an apple truck at a grade crossing before the GG1-style rebuilds were considered. I do have PWeiser's P5s in my collection.
I use to know a few sites that you can do some reading on this . If I can I'll post more . Here you'll find the plans of the changes needed and purposed changes of Altoona . The Station has always been a mystery to myself as why needed ? That large ? But yea only if . Would have been nice to see GG's running the curve . The plans included going as far West as Chicago ? I have read that only to Pittsburg was really consider . But that would have been something to see .

If I remember correctly the P5s also suffered from derailments on tight curves because of their long wheel base.
I use to know a few sites that you can do some reading on this . If I can I'll post more . Here you'll find the plans of the changes needed and purposed changes of Altoona . The Station has always been a mystery to myself as why needed ? That large ? But yea only if . Would have been nice to see GG's running the curve . The plans included going as far West as Chicago ? I have read that only to Pittsburg was really consider . But that would have been something to see .

I like what the link gives. Its helping me with some route ideas