General Question re SP1 and Junction labels


Active member
Hi all, I have been reading a number of threads about TRS2006 SP1 and see that a few people have had mixed results when installing it etc. Before I commit myself to the hefty download could I ask if it is worth the effort and if so can someone direct me to a reliable site from which to download.

Secondly, is there a way in TRS2006 to not show junction names/numbers when in 'Driver'. I have quite a few points grouped together at various parts of my route and at times it is difficult to see the trains because of all of the junction numbers!

Thanks, Andrew :)
Provided SP1 for TRS2006 is installed strictly to the instructions it works well and provides several advantages - including being able to run Razorback Railway activities :)

In Driver, drift the mouse up near the top-left corner of the screen. A bar with button icons will appear. Clicking the rightmost icon on that bar (the one with a question mark) will toggle the overall junction direction display. However, individual junction directions will still be displayed when the mouse pointer is over a junction. I hope that's the information you needed and apologies if I've misunderstood what you were asking.

Installing SP1 is very well worth the effort, however, I would only download it if I had access to a highspeed internet connection.
Otherwise I would purchase the update disc from Auran and or purchase the newer version of TRS2006 with SP1 already included in the set-up package .

Another way to not have the junction names show up in driver is by editing your session, go to Startup Options and uncheck 'Show On Screen Help' (or something like that), then save your session.

Alternatively, you can also press CTRL+H while in driver.
I hear Trainz Classics 3 is going to be some great improvement from whatever we have now. I advise you skip 06 (it's unstable for route-building anyway) and wait for TC3, IMHO.:)