Future of the TARL & Trainzhaven


Re-Learning Scripter
Well, I won't make this long winded or beat around the bush.

After almost a year of not having the time to work on teh TARL like I wanted to, I am now officially saying no more.

I don't have the time - work, and a very active personal life have pretty much taken over.

However, knowing what a valuable resource the TARL is (3000+ pageloads a week, 500 Visitors), I don't want the site to fade into the dust.

I am looking for someone to take over.

This person would be free to do with the TARL as they wish. I am willing to continue hosting the site, but can no longer work on it myself.

The user that takes over will have full file and database priveldges andcan do what ever they wish with the site. I will even offer support and help when I can.

Please, if you are interested email me (s [dot] forget [at] shaw [dot] ca) and I will go over the details of what has to be done.

Until someone takes over, I'm afraid the TARL will stand as is without further updates or modifications. I will not take the site down unless a new admin wants to move the site.
Email sent. Would give me something useful to do for the TRS community, and might actually be a bit of fun. No that I have any idea how to operate a database such as this :)

And since butter has challenged us to show our own websites, here is my temp one. Unfortunately 'ZecRail' itself is offline at the moment. Please note that it does actually redirect to my offline site.

Sforget: I'd be willing to joint run it with S301 if that's possible. I know for sure I don't have all the time, but I can't stand the thought of it going down the drain (heck I fix a lot of content myself as it is)
my current site (I wish I could do more, but google can only go so far):
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I've culled a bunch of posts that I've deemed non constructive, off topic and getting way too personal. Keep this thread in the spirit that it is intended please. If there is more banter like there was before it will be either removed or the thread shut down. Please try to keep this place friendly.
Hello Steve

At least for a short while, but how are you my good friend. Very long time I have not seen you. Hope things are great in your life good buddy!

Guys, Steven is the creator of the CPC rule that only works with TR04, plus other rules as will. He contribution so much information in the old forum now lost in cyberspace.

Steven, take care, and good luck in your endeavors!!
Your friend, Ishie
well I must say I am sorry for the way I acted in this threads first days I forgive every one envoled and hope they'll do the same. I have emailed and pted for the job but it's still open. He hasn't been on for two days.So I don't know.
Well, I have recieved a few offers to take over the site.

I have the emails of those who are ineterested, and will email the person/party whom I deem is most up to the challenge.

Thank you to all those interested.
Very important!

... will email the person/party whom I deem is most up to the challenge. quote]

Very important criteria! :D

Thank you and the other volunteers for the hundred of hours you have put in to build and maintain the db. Not an easy job. Well done!

And what happened to sforget's rules and commands?

I can see that the TARL has moved to http://tarl.trainz.ws/ but what about his rules and driver commands? I believe he had a TRS06 updated version of the Emit Train Now rule on the Trainzhaven site? Anyone know where it's gone to? :eek:
so ... who took over i decided a long time ago to quit on trainz but, i would like to bring up someone came to my site and cursed at me and saying something along thes lines of with this **** hole site you'll never get a chance to host tarl...
so ... who took over i decided a long time ago to quit on trainz but, i would like to bring up someone came to my site and cursed at me and saying something along thes lines of with this **** hole site you'll never get a chance to host tarl...
Don't bring your garbage here....if someone posts something on your site, take care of it there....and if you've quit on trainz, it shouldn't really matter...
so ... who took over i decided a long time ago to quit on trainz but, i would like to bring up someone came to my site and cursed at me and saying something along thes lines of with this **** hole site you'll never get a chance to host tarl...

RBR took it over.

er, not sure any of this answers my original query about where sforget's excellent rules now reside (plus probably some tutorials and explanation?) :o
Is there a way to search TARL so a content creator can see any items that have been indicated as faulty so they can be corrected?


Cheerio John
Is there a way to search TARL so a content creator can see any items that have been indicated as faulty so they can be corrected?

Advanced search seems to be able to do it select CMP = Any Fault and the KUID.

The problem at the moment is that people do not seem to be adding/updating the stuff. I update the DLS info every few dayz manually as sometimes it goes wildly broken and can't be automated.