Funny DLS Item


The Chicago CTA guy
Ok, it may be that im slap happy, but while trying to find invisible stations, i ran across this


yes this is a random semi off topic post, but it gave me a laugh
Funny as the name is, it actually was made to fix a problem and is used on one layout I have (can't remember which as my comp is out, I'm sending from a library computer).
I remember when this was created and it can be quite useful, a lot of thought went into this and other items made at the time by Charlie. As mentioned it is to fool the AI drivers on a loop, in the image you have a loop which is apparently shorter to the AI drivers and they may go that way. With the "thingy" properly place the AI driver thinks there is a train in the loop (I think) :D .

Yes, that's a neat 'thingy' ... there is one set on the through track past the switch (invisible in driver) turning the signal, which is just visible at the bottom of the windsheild, green - the signal looks better green than amber (I think).
It's a basic all purpose signal. You use it like any other signal on places where you don't want to see a signal when you drive.
If I remember right, it was made to place next to a signal on a siding so there would be two signals between you and the train you were waiting to meet, so the AI in the oncoming train would see a clear track on the main and keep moving full speed, rather than crawling at half speed.
I use it a lot. It's pretty handy. If you've downloaded my more recent layouts, you probably have it on your hard drive already.:D

:cool: Claude
maybe using simple terms makes alistar drive better

for example rather then "drive to station x platform y, load"

"go to the thingy with people on it with the name x, there is free candy there, stop and open the doors and get some"
maybe using simple terms makes alistar drive better

for example rather then "drive to station x platform y, load"

"go to the thingy with people on it with the name x, there is free candy there, stop and open the doors and get some"
(Reads over NAME carefully)


Why'd he call it 'invisible'? I can see it, and study it, and be a seeing and studying trainzer...:hehe: