Whups, sorry ... my bad Casey :confused:. FSDS is the acronym for Flight Sim Design Studio now in version 3.5.1. Don't let the name fool you, the only reason they really call it that is that it supports natively all of the 'built-in' animations in MS Flight Simulator. It's a full featured object design program that supports key frame animation, reflective and transparent textures, multiple LOD models etc. etc. etc. It exports in standard .mdl object format.
Whups, sorry ... my bad Casey :confused:. FSDS is the acronym for Flight Sim Design Studio now in version 3.5.1. Don't let the name fool you, the only reason they really call it that is that it supports natively all of the 'built-in' animations in MS Flight Simulator. It's a full featured object design program that supports key frame animation, reflective and transparent textures, multiple LOD models etc. etc. etc. It exports in standard .mdl object format.

I suspected it may have something to do with Flight Simulators. Well, if it can import and export Trainz files you could probably use it. If not, then you would require a conversion plug-in or need to convert the files to a format that the program will understand.
The problem is that I'm not sure what formats Trainz reads or requires. Can't seem to find any mention of specific file formats in the CCP docs. Below are the other export choices for objects besides .mdl files. I was thinking that the Export as XML would be a likely candidate. Once saved into a .bgl library file it's given a unique KUID automatically. Unfortunately, I have no idea if a BGL file is a legitimate import format. Catch-22.

Package Project Copies the project file and textures to folder in which you save the project.
Export *.x File Creates an output file in the Direct-X format
Export XML Scenery Header Creates an XML file containing a unique GUID. This is useful for an advanced user for compiling a project manually. For example, a user can export the *.x file, export this .xml scenery header file, hand edit the .x file (for whatever reason), process with MakeMdl and compile the resulting xml/mdl files with BglComp.
Export as XML Creates an output file in XML format. This is useful for an advanced user who wants to use the FSDS model data, perhaps to import into another model format.