

New member
I have just started having a problem,with Trainz 2006....When in Surveyor and loading an asset that can be controlled ie.Like adding junctions theatre signals..When I click on the ? the window comes up and when I click on it,Trainz freezes up..The only way to get it back is to reboot!!
This only started a few days ago..I deleted all the assets with missing dependencies in the "Installed"window in the CMP....and reloaded the options file...all to no effect.
System Information report written at: 07/12/08 20:05:46
System Name: LEN-E0F49B139D8
[System Summary]

Item Value
OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name LEN-E0F49B139D8
System Manufacturer System manufacturer
System Model System Product Name
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 10 AuthenticAMD ~2200 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 0204, 10/14/2005
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name LEN-E0F49B139D8\Len
Time Zone Mountain Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 2,048.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 1.52 GB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 3.85 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

[Hardware Resources]
I have a feeling that this is mostly heat related.

How is the cooling for your PC? Has this started since the hot weather has come in?

A hot PC will freeze up particularly when the CPU is required to do extra work like processing a 3D-application such as Trainz.

Do you get any garbage on the screen? Your video card could be suffering from heat as well. When that happens, the display will get weird with blinking blocks, and streaks. Your system may even freeze up as well.

If you want to find out if it is related to heat, take the side off your PC and run it with a fan blowing into the chassis. You might want to go the extra step of cleaning the fans of any dirt, dust, cat and dog hair, etc.

While using a pencil or paintbrush as a brake to prevent the fan from spinning around and ruining the bushings, use a can of compressed air (Radio Shack for about $3.00) to blast the dirt out of the CPU fan. Repeat the same process for any system fans and the video-card fan.

Good luck and let us know if this solved your problem or not.

Thanks for your replies,but I seemed to have narrowed it down to a problem with "Snowsignals"....and have writtten to them about it..L
Guess I was wrong,it is now happening when I go to "Edit Session"The menu comes up,and as soon as I click on it,it freezes..I can still move around the route with the camera,but can't make any changes etc,although I can now go to C A D and end task instead of having to reboot...My Trainz Diag was all green....Heat is not the problem either,as I can run Trainz normally it is only when I click on the ? sign and try to alter the session.L