Freeways and Road Traffic


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Can some please tell me how to make the freeways work so traffic isnt all over the place? And how do you change what type of cars and traffic goes on your roads. Thx
what version of Trainz do you have?

Only TC has that capability really; and then only certain freeways are available for TC that do such.

I posted somewhere else that the Classics freeways/multi-lane roads work normally until you connect one type of road to another. A pain, but if you can figure out how to make your roads without connecting 2 different types, you don't get the traffic problem.
I think there is another way round to use multi-lane traffic is to use andi06's road system. If you place the '1-way traffic' spiline road (from andi06's road pack) laid in parallel all in the same direction of travel, and the same in the opposite direction (e.g. for near-side driving:

---> (northbound traffic)
==== (central reservation)
<--- (southbound traffic)

(obviously its opposite for off-side driving)), you would essentially get a 'motorway/freeway' type road.

This is particullarly useful for those with who has TRS04/06 as well as Trainz Classics/Railways.
I don't find anything with that name. Is there a place with tutorials for how to use his Traffic System?

:cool: Claude