Found on DLS 5pc rural countryside Dam Kit


New member
I didn't know it was on the DLS as I DL from original PZ site.
One asset was gutted by Trainz and had to DL it again.
Jaz Rzeczny Pusty


Search "Description" Hydrotechnical river equipment

<kuid:173943:200251> thru 200255
You have been finding all kinds of neat stuff of late. Are you on a Safari into the nether regions of Trainz, lol?

I wanted to do my part for all the trainzers.
Had to find something unique that I'm good at.
Haven't been to good at

This site is a life saver.
When entered the kuid number it listed the org PZ site and the DLS
I had no idea what a "Jaz Rzeczny Pusty" was.
I think I ran over one outside of Winslow AZ one dark and stormy night.
I was driving a curtain side flatbed hauling roofing felt and nails.

I'am so glad I'am retired you have no idea.
Oh yes I do - I've been retired for 21 years. I tried working once - crazy people expected me to come back and do it again the next day, lol.

Probably a lot of fun and enjoyment digging around here and there and suddenly finding something interesting, nice, and most importantly of use to other Trainzers.

Keep up the good work and have fun.

Mr. XCrossi,

I thank you again for this find. I've been looking for some dams, for various older cities and this will work. I don't need one of those giant hydro setups for a small mill town. :)


I know the feeling. :) I've been retired now for two years, having retired when I was 51, and though I thought about going back to work a few times, I don't give in after I go to my doctor whose down near where I used to work. The horrid traffic usually nixes that idea almost immediately. A visit to the office for a hello is fine, but the idea of doing that stressful operation every day makes me exhausted beyond belief.

To take this thread off topic, I might have an easy project for you, if you don't mind me asking. If it's okay, I'll PM you the links to some photos. It doesn't have to be exact...

Yea, Xcrossi and I are on the same wavelength. There are TONS of awesome assets out on the Polish, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, and even Italian sites. I've spent the better part of the last 2 days trolling for missing assets (THE BEST way to find unexpected awesome assets), and I've probably upped my Asset count by about 20K. Certainly my total known Asset Count went from ~350K to ~370K. Need to check my installed assets, but I'm installing stuff right now and I don't like to over-tax TADaemon's attention span.....
