Found a Nice German Branch


Narrow minded Tram Person
Its on DLS called Friski Bod Its a very nice little branch line with intresting scenery. Has Modern German light signsl but Has steam fueling point at the end of the Branch.

The only problem that I had was with the Turntable Used, Trying to click on it to rotate can be a pain, I used it to Turn the steam railcar and Brocker1.

One Strange item on it that accoring to the Author is a Interactive 2006 Whistle sign that is built into 2006 though its a 2004 layot

Does have Items from TPR that you need to download the packs MP Track Pack 2 for the road and The Track and Tractor Pack.

Also On DLS it says it interactive but it does not seem to be.

Worth a download and look

If you want something really good download the Niddertalbahn, look under the username: joachim-9 , if you want anything else German just ask.

Hi WileeCoyote

Have tried to replace the whistle signs automatically with no luck, so I am doing it manually with the ones that need the Horn rule for 2004.

Manyly Branchlines and NG, have download a few already, , not into mainlines at all.



Don't do the whistle rule, type in Brummel as a username on the DLS for trackside objects, he made some excellent German whistle and bell signals that have the whistle rule built in (if its a whistle sign). Quicky convert P=whistle L=ring bell LP=whistle and ring bell through railway crossing.


type in roembach as a username on the DLS, I think he made some 760MM layouts.
