Flower & Weed..Download now!!!


Somewhere in the layout..
I did'nt want u to wait, so I've downloaded the files to a filehosting company.....But I will remove the files when they recieve the DLS.

Here is a picture of my last work, also included for download(1/3 inluded in the download links below), this is the first one of a new serie. U will get the rest later....


UPDATE......:Current files available at DLS, due to dependencies theese temporary files are removed, the rest of the file links in the posts under will be removed as they enter the DLS.

I hope u all enjoy them:)


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Thanks for the beautiful flowers! They will give a very nice touch to my routebuilding.

The first link with Baby´s Breath will not download for some reason, all the others downloaded very fine.

I just have to reply that some of the stuff I've been uploaded may not be in the best quality, because I'm new to this but just wanted to make some things from mother nature into the game.

I have been used a new an improved method of programming the 3D in the last picture (postet in this tread with the blue cornflowers). I'm going to use this same tecnique when creating new things in the future, as it gives a better look and 3D perspective....

I will post more of my stuff with direct link for download later today...so stay tuned.....;)

As promised, here are the links to the rest of the stuff i have finished...

The Daisy flowers will be redone and not uploaded. Instead, i will make a new set of them.

There is the grass thin, thick and high.. And the reed1. Cichorium Itybes will not be sent out, I will make a new collection of them because they simply was not good enough.

Here is a picture of the files I upload now:


DO NOT use the GRASS HIGH as it is INSANE!!!(not in this picture, here u see the grass thin , grass thick and the reed1). Grass - High will not be a part of my grass collection (I have problem with the CMP so I cant repack them for the moment). But if u find some use for this monster grass u are free to use it (it's nice to hide in:D ).

All the files (except for the cancelled ones) will be uploaded to DLS. And when they arrive there, theese links will be broken. Here are the links for download:

Grass collection1

I am working on a collection of grass, different types and shapes (they will be different then the 2 ones here). I need some days to get it ready, but if i upload them or not strongly depends on the interest for them. So I will be thankfull for any comment on my work.

I want to focus on quality before quantity so I'm going to use some more time with my next stuff.

Thats all for now.
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I can not think of any place where there is not a lot of weeds, high grass etc, so you creations are very handy to make the scenery look more realistic.

I'll have them :)

I would prefer to have them on the download station though as when I use them in a layout that I may upload, I want people to find content I have used easily.

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Right now, I'm working on a grass collection. I will release it if I get 3 requests:rolleyes: (then it will be av. for download by direct link and later from DLS)



#11 soon to be posted....
I can not think of any place where there is not a lot of weeds, high grass etc, so you creations are very handy to make the scenery look more realistic.

I'll have them :)

I would prefer to have them on the download station though as when I use them in a layout that I may upload, I want people to find content I have used easily.

Ditto, me too
Grass #12




#13 is ment to cover large areas with, such as corn fields, it's large and covers a great area.

All files sent to DLS, I can post a direct link if u want try them out....now back to work with Grass#14

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Hi Jan,

Thought I would let you know that some of your recent creations do not have a screenshot/image for people to look at on the download station, the image is "greyed out". I have seen this a few time and today I noticed a thread about it here;


This is for your information, but if people can not see the items they may not download them unless they know about this thread or your work.


Missin sumpin?

Hi Jan,

Thought I would let you know that some of your recent creations do not have a screenshot/image for people to look at on the download station, the image is "greyed out". I have seen this a few time and today I noticed a thread about it here;


This is for your information, but if people can not see the items they may not download them unless they know about this thread or your work.


Well, there are many problems with Auran, the mods need to check whats happenin at home too!
Ok, thx for letting me know. I have made thumbs to the files, and they also show up in the cmp. I have the right size(240x180) and type(jpeg). But i will check this out and update them.

The links to the 2 grass:



more to come, I will make 20 grass types for this collection (grass collection 2), and post them in this tread when finished. All files will be available for download (direct link) and uploaded to DLS. The files will be removed from the direct link when they are present on DLS



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To make 3D wheat fields u now have the right tool. Just be shure the terrain is flat when u use it.


It looks like the grass#13, but it's modified in shape and size so it fits the great field to u out there. It's bigger and goes further down to the ground.
It has more elements and I've changed some vertex (shape).

With this one the food problems are solved once and for all...:D


Next to come is Barley field, completly new type....stay tuned
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It's harvest time....

This is the barley field I've been working with. There is a lack of fields to fill up with, so I'm trying to fill this gap...


The filehosting comp. is currently unavailable, but I will post the link as soon as I can.....

Next is Oat field....
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Glad u like it....:D

A new gift to the community:


The oat fields are ready.......

I have a strong feeling most of u like the 2 last ones ....:rolleyes: . I will make them available as soon as the filehost is up and running again, so keep lookin out for them...;)

