First route promotional screenshots


New member
Hi everyone,

I am working on my first route I am going to present on the DLS. It is called Kingdom Valley, and it is fictional. Here are some promotional screenshots I showed in IRC:




Judging from the screenshots, it's a city based entirely in connecting valleys by a state highway and a railway. The route very hilly and there is a leasing facility for locomotive-hauled trains to get over the hills. This route even has its own livery for it's trainz, which I'm using Paintshed and Paint Shop Pro to reskin for this route.
Well done Callum.

The horizon shows a large gap between sea level and sea bed. Raise the sea bed until it's almost at sea level around the edge of the boards and it will look more convincing.


If you want to post the Maestranza Norte railcar (showed in your screenshot) with your route you need autorization of the Maestranza Norte staff. Please contact with me o pvargas if you want to publish the railcar.

Screenshots with reskins of maestranza norte are ok, but you cannot publish this model without our autorization

best regards


Maestranzanorte Staff
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