Faustusclemens' Workshop


I am a modeler who works with 3DS Max and creates rolling stock, scenery objects, etc. and I wanted to start porting my content into Trainz. Since I'm not familiar with the process, I thought I would work on something smaller (as opposed to a full-blown train), just to get the hang of it. Thus here is the result—a collection of modern passenger station elements that were created with metro and light rail in mind, but can be easily used for mainline infrastructure also.

- platform seating in a variety of forms (single-sided, double-sided, with or without back, with or without armrests)
- digital information and advertising boards in a variety of sizes (small, medium, large, slim, super large) and forms (including open base, closed base, mounted, etc.)
- digital arrival monitors in a variety of forms (ceiling-mounted and bracket-mounted)
- waste receptacles; a cylindrical version (small and large), and a rectangular version (small and large)
- platform lighting; a standard version (single and double), and an omnidirectional column (short and tall)
- wayfinding signage in a variety of sizes (small, medium, and large) and forms (freestanding, hanging, and mounted)
- ticket vending machines and farecard readers in a variety of styles and forms (classic, modern, platform, with or without digital adverts)
- platform canopies in a variety of forms (single platform, island platform, wide, narrow)
- platform shelters in a variety of forms (single-sided, double-sided, 'standard', and extended)
- decorative and safety railings
- platform access points including elevator (glass) and stair/escalator in a variety of forms (open air, glass-enclosed)

I'm also working on some additional items that might be useful to include in this collection, including pedestrian overpass objects, station roofs, walls, etc.

Below is an image of two glass shelters, one standard (left) and one extended (right). They are actually based off of the NYC bus shelter, so they can work as a bus shelter too. Additionally pictured are the cylindrical waste receptacles, platform ticket vending machines, and a 2-seat bench with back and without armrests (the four benches in the extended shelter are two, 2-seat benches put together). This is only a sample of what the entire collection includes, but this is what I've imported thus far. Some of the textures require correction and enhancement.

Note that the seated figure, platform, and track are not mine. The seated figure is from 3DZug's Real People pack, the platform is an 8m platform from Plzen by KrovvaTrainz, and the track is SAM Track - B70 by samplaire.


And further to that end, here's another look at the Metroliners. The prototype for the interiors is difficult to get because of scant resources, but I put together what I could using the photos and other helpful information available. I also really enjoy "what if" scenarios, alternate history, and worldbuilding so I pooled together a few more aprototypical interiors, some of them with European-style compartments (I was inspired by Corail stock from the 60s, 70s, and 80s).

Very nice work. Not personally familiar with 3DS Max, but IIRC, there is an exporter for that app that creates IM files which Trainz uses to render the objects in game. You'll also need a config.txt file. Open for editing in Explorer any typical similar object to the one you've made to see how that is configured. The Trainz WIKI has many How-To guides that should help you too.
Thank you, Martin!

I've already started porting content. I only have the latest version of Trainz and the latest version of 3DS Max (the annual indie subscription), so it's all done by exporting the object as an .fbx and then Content Manager repackages it as a .trainzmesh.

The wiki is very helpful though, there are also a few other websites out there that are also helpful especially for PBR related information.
My experimentation with converting items from 3DS Max to Trainz is working like a charm thus far. I've got a ton of WIP files, but wanted to test the waters with traincars since I've now tackled basic objects and splines.

Here's an R12, the basic body is complete but still needs the fixtures and attachments added as well as improvements and proper mapping for the interior. The station canopy spline to the left is part of a collection of station objects like the ones above (although it represents a separate collection) and still also needs refining.

Station objects are still ongoing, I have two different versions now - modern and North-American style (think traditional El/Subway). I have a lot of projects since I have time on my hands at the moment (taking a break this school term), between the R12 (and subsequently other SMEE trains), the LoV I have in the preliminary stage, the Metroliners (since successfully ported into Trainz!) and NER EF1, I guess I really do have my work cut out for me.

I've shared renders of a Bombardier M7 before, but here it is finally in-game. It still has a lot of work ahead, mostly with the interior but some touch ups on the exterior as well. Once PBR texturing is applied (still getting the hang of it), it will really start to beat out the original from Auran.
