Hey mate, Everyone in the Trainz community have had things happen in our lives that may upset or disturb us. At the same time, there are things in our life that are very precious to us and good. Our lives can never be one of 'happiness' every single day. Good and bad happens constantly, but, we have to learn how to deal with whatever crops up. That's what life is all about. It's how you handle it, that counts.
If there is one thing in your life that makes you happy, then pursue it and hang onto it.
Trainz is a hobby for people like us and it makes me feel good every single day when I open my program. I get so much enjoyment out it and I won't let anyone stop me from using it and having fun.
Sometimes, we can voice our opinion and not think whether we may be causing discomfort to someone else,.. and then, we wish we hadn't said it in the first place. We've all done that, mate.
If you've had a ban, then 'cop it sweet'. It's like getting picked up by the Police for speeding,... Yes it happened, pay your fine and move on.
And, don't worry about the 'knockers' - I bump into them now and then, but remember, you are in charge of yourself and you can choose to ignore them and use your time wisely. Create that special route you've thought about. Enjoy it mate.