Fallen Tree's


New member
Hey Y'all, I was wanting to know how to program a tree as it would be if it has fallen. It is on the Narrow gauge route in TRS06 and I have been wondering how to do it. Any help is apreciated.
This will only work with objects with the rotate-yz-range in the config file. Click the rotate button and hold either the Ctrl or Shift key (can't remember which, try one or the other) and Lt Click Drag.
I should add that if you're comfortable editing the config file, add the line yourself. The format would be rotate-yz-range -90,90. It could give undesirable effects depending on the orientation of the y axis of the mesh. But give it shot. You can always re-download if you screw it up.
rotate 1 tag

Hey Y'all, I was wanting to know how to program a tree as it would be if it has fallen. It is on the Narrow gauge route in TRS06 and I have been wondering how to do it. Any help is apreciated.

Most of my trees have the following tag which alows the them to roll as nwhitney has discribed.

rotate 1

If you are using others trees and they don't roll, add the tag to the config and they will. (Remember that if you upload your route, the changes that you have made to trees will not 'follow' the route to the DLS.)

Hope this helps, Dave
