

New member
August 6th 2007, 4:04 AM

In case anyone wondered what is going on - I accidentally deleted the entire route - good job me :) But thats ok I already redid the work I've done so Im quite happy - Im just trying to workout some silly turnouts (arrow points left but the track is set right etc.). Also I rebuilt the queen street station again :). Here are the pictures, but first something nicer:

First Glasgow to Falkirk poster:


(http://www.artbylukasz.com/trainz/glasgow_to_falkrik/6aug07update/poster01.jpg 1200x800)


Two pictures of the new Queen Street station - I tried to make this look a little more as the one that is currently there:


For those looking forward to this - please be easy on me - I play World of Warcraft, work with Trainz and have a real job so its a little of a pain to spend some decent time working on this but I'm on it! I'm hoping to have a working beta by the end of September for the interested. Until then - more pictures and some videos soon - Class 390 set cab view arrival at Glasgow North has been recorded, so I'll try to upload that soonish :).



July 25th 2007, Recieved following reply from Auran:

Hi Lukasz,

You do not need a green light from us, as we did not create the original layout. You will need to contact the original author, Vern, and obtain his written permission to upload any modified version of his layout.

Good Luck


I'll try to contact Vern in regards to this. If I can get Vern's written permisson to go on with this I'll start a new thread and post more updates very soon.
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I Think You Can But You Have To Get The Permision From The Original Creator. Thats What Ive Heard Anyway.
Both common courtesy and convention would say “contact the original creator” I personally would also offer him the opportunity to at least review the route before upload
Two examples of routes I have modified and didn’t consider the changed enough from the original to consider new are Canada Impressions Line now Canada 1930 and Camel Fowey Newquay now Restormel Castle
Regards Bob V
The Author was 'Vern' (Vern Moorhouse) Kuid:30024.
Can't see any activity from him lately,also no email address,so getting authority could be tricky.

Regards Bruce
The route was commissioned from myself by Auran for TRS2004.

In truth, I'm not sure where the copyright lies - I certainly haven't got a problem with an updated, amended or improved version being made available but Auran may have other ideas!
Well I'll contact Auran in regards to this than .. thanks for the post Vern :) While Im at it Ill drop some screenshots here soon :)
hi Vern long time no see how life going? been trainzing much?

RE: Omber, would very much like to see some screenies of the updated route.

I've only relaid all of the track at this point (must fix some kinks and inverted turnouts at this point), and placed some LMS semaphores on it (I assume LMS didn't run to Glasgow, for all my love for UK trains I don't know too much :P) ... once I get it all interactive and track marked the way I want it I will show so screen shots..

Vern, this is not a real-life representation of Glasgow but rather an impression right? Because I think I might have to open up the tunnel and make some major reconstructions because at this point the 9 car Class 390 set doesn't fit into the terminal (much less on other stations). Possibly 4 track line running out of Glasgow through the yards then merging into two line, I'm also considering electrification if I can find a nice centenary set...
Omber, I used to bash this line with the Class 27s in the early 80s and the Semaphores were ex North British Railway lattice post converted to Upper Quadrant so the LMS Semaphores are a pretty good match for them.If you want to use Colour Lights Bloodnoks signals are ideal, though the Auran built in Signals are perfectly acceptable.I"m sure you buy a VHS tape of an Edinburgh - Glasgow cab ride which I guess would be really useful to you being so far away!
I've only relaid all of the track at this point (must fix some kinks and inverted turnouts at this point), and placed some LMS semaphores on it (I assume LMS didn't run to Glasgow, for all my love for UK trains I don't know too much :P) ... once I get it all interactive and track marked the way I want it I will show so screen shots..


Omber the the LMS(Lazy, Muddleing and Slow :p(Speed record was 114mph compard to 126mph on LNER!) )did have trains running to Glasglow but whether or not it was to Queen Street Station (the one that your reworking) or another station I'm not sure of. in any case must find more info.

The LMS did operate the Glasglow - Mallig services jointly with LNER - again must confirm details.

Kinda off topic but I dont understand how can LNER hold the speed record as they did it down a grade (1% or something wasnt it?), where as the french did almost the same thing on level ground..


Unfortunately I don't live in UK (I wish I did), so I don't know what the practice is so I need some information from you guys :P.. In UK, are signals always placed on both sides of the track for both directions - that is to say are signals mirrored on the right hand side just as they are on the left in case a train has to run on the "wrong" side due track malfunction etc?
Hello omber, yes signals can be placed on both sides of the track if you wish, we "drive" on the left hand side over here generally, but as you stated, for wrong line working, due to a mishap or track work, we can cross over as an emergency procedure. What type of catanery are you looking for BTW, as I have several kinds installed on my PC from around Europe and the UK, they range from 1 line electrification thru to either 6 or 8 track width, depending on whether you want to do the yards as well as the main lines, let me know and I'll do some research for you.

Cheers ex-railwayman.
Re Glasgow - Falkirk, it was a very rough representation of the prototype done to an incredibly tight timescale (something like about 4 weeks) so anything that could be done to improve on that could only make it better! The route was not built exactly to scale, but rather the convention of 1 x TRS surveyor 720sq tile being used to represent 1km sq off the map.

Still dabbling in train simming though interests have broadened considerably in the last couple of years (like playing GTA SA to death!). Have just fired up the MSTS RE after two and a half years to have a go at Manx Electric. If there was enough interest and it hasn't already been done I might think about following up with a TRS community/DLS version.
The french broke the record with electric traction on a purpose built track with modified train sets!

The LNER did so with only a dynomometer car between the tender and the coaching stock (being fair Mallard was at her Peak!)

The LMS used Glasgow Central Station on the West Coast Main Line

Hi omber, do you want the information today, or is tomorrow OK ? I am at least 5 hours time difference in front of you, depending on whereabouts you are in Canada ( East or West coast ), so will do a bit of digging around and send you an e-mail or personal message if that's OK.

Cheers. ex-railwayman.
Im on the West coast, no rush - I ran into a problem though..
I had a Class 37 pulling a long MK1 stock to the "new" Queen Street terminal but alas the train (AI controlled) ran right through red signal (I guess about 10 coaches is too much for breaking power of this train, specially on the hill just before the tunnel that goes to Queen Street .. at any rate the AI seemed to freeze - I couldnt do anything with that loco and train - it just sild down the tracks at agonizing speed...

I want to make a base session that will have DMU's (or EMUs if electrified) running quater-hours service from terminus to the portals past Falkrik and hourly with large trains that dont stop until the portals once they leave terminus..