F7 cabin TRS19 LHD/MPH downloading super slow on the DLS


New member
I'm trying to download the F7 cabin TRS19 LHD/MPH so I can get the F7 Hot Rod to work (It uses the LHD/MPH and not the RHD/MPH one). But when I download it, it is super slow. My internet isn't bad, the asset is only 283 megabytes (Which is small), and the RHD/MPH downloaded much faster than the other one. Does anyone know what's going on with this asset?
283MBs Trainz asset is definitely NOT small. Is the download progressing? If just impatient and in hurry, then get FCT ;-)
The cab is 283 MB? That's not the right size. The asset is 565 MB according to my installation of the same asset.

There was an issue yesterday for me where I had to restart a download for unknown reasons, and once I did that the asset downloaded fine.
Actually 283MB is the correct size when its compressed.
Once installed, it gets extracted which can get pretty large in size as shown in the screenshot below:

Builtin / packaged content are compressed so its size is reduced even more.

Actually 283MB is the correct size when its compressed.
Once installed, it gets extracted which can get pretty large in size as shown in the screenshot below:

Builtin / packaged content are compressed so its size is reduced even more.

I forgot about that, Doh!