

Whos on First?
I just spend the last 20 minutes looking for this thing. Finaly found it with the help of google.
This is a repost from the previous forums.
Oriinally by Switchdoc:

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica] erazor - tool for erazing groundtextures[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]
Hello all,

after some discussion in the route builder's forum I buildt a routine called erazor, which erazes (no kidding!) groundtextures.

You find it here

You got to download texture kuid 44700:11992 from DLS as well. This is used as a marker. Just apply it to the area on your board where you want to have your groundtextures removed, exitz TRS and run erazor. In the marked area all textures are wiped away leaving the yellow on grey grid.

See the reedme-file for details.

Best regards

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]
Thanks you for the link!

Thank you Norbert for find this very useful tool. You wouldn't believe how many times I've put down the wrong texture, and ended up just texturing over to hide it.

So you're saying that when you texture over a texture the original one (or two, etc.) is still there, beneath the new one? I never knew that!
No wonder I'm starting to see low frame rates! :eek:
Call me stupid, but isn't that just utterly rediculous programming wise? I mean, when used carefully you can blend a few textures on one tile ... but seven??? Another example of bad programming if you ask me. :mad:
I believe that the number of textures retained is five not seven.

I suggest that there must have been a very good reason why the program does this

Call me stupid, but isn't that just utterly rediculous programming wise? I mean, when used carefully you can blend a few textures on one tile ... but seven??? Another example of bad programming if you ask me. :mad:

Serkanner, it was this type of gratuitous criticism that contributed to causing the recent closure of the forum. This sort of comment is rude and unnecessary.


No texture overlay!

I experimented with over-painting textures. When the new texture totaly covers spotless (!!!) the old texture, the old texture disappears from the map-file. So a clear answer: There are no textures (neither one nor five nor seven) hidden "below" the visible texture (again: if this totaly covers the old texture), eating up the computer performance.

So when the contours of your landscape are OK, just overpaint it.:)
Only when I want to repaint larger sections or have too wildly used a mix of textures and want to reduce their number I use Erazor.

But: It is difficult to change the contours of a textured landscape. For correcting the contours of your landscape Erazor and the "Texture Erazor Mesh 10R" (DLS) are very helpful. Smaller corrections I do only with the Texture Erazor Mesh 10R. After correcting the contours I pick up the texture(s) neighboring this corrections and overpaint the corrections - easy and fast!

I just conducted the following test using TRS04:

Create new route.
Apply small area of texture.
Reload route
Apply an area of texture taking care to completely cover original area of texture.

Repeat to five texture layers, each entirely covering the layer below. I added a minimum of two grid squares around the edge each layer.

Opening the route's config file showed 5 textures.

I reloaded the route and added a sixth layer. Interestingly enough the kuid table dropped to four entries.

Now whether or not the graphics engine is trying to draw the buried textures would take far more elaborate testing, but it certainly knows that the concealed textures are there....

Andy :)
ok ok ok.....i hope you all know, but i found this out in paint and decided to try it out in trainz..... when in trainz you can pretty much undo anything you did previousley and dont like by pressing Ctrl + Z (undo) and
Ctrl + Y(redo)..........hope it helps you...


P.S. in TRS2006 ALT + U (fly mode) and ALT + Y (walk mode)
There is another reason to use Erazor, there is a limit placed on the number of different textures that can be used on a map and when you reach this limit, you can not add the Erazor texure.

I am not sure what the precise value is but it lies between 249 and 254.

Referring to the 7 or 5 or 1 texture question, the number of 5 came from a statement by Auran quite a while back.


Referring to the 7 or 5 or 1 texture question, the number of 5 came from a statement by Auran quite a while back.


I just remembered reading that from the old forums a while back.:)
Either way 5 layers on top of each other can add up quickly, weather or not we can see them.:eek:

I just conducted the following test using TRS04:

Create new route.
Apply small area of texture.
Reload route
Apply an area of texture taking care to completely cover original area of texture.

Repeat to five texture layers, each entirely covering the layer below. I added a minimum of two grid squares around the edge each layer.

Opening the route's config file showed 5 textures.

I reloaded the route and added a sixth layer. Interestingly enough the kuid table dropped to four entries.

Now whether or not the graphics engine is trying to draw the buried textures would take far more elaborate testing, but it certainly knows that the concealed textures are there....

Andy :)

Gee whiz........I would try a couple of dozen of different pieces of textures to get my desired effect. I thought overlaying with the last and most recent one would ERASE all those that are under it. This is really great information. I just downloaded ERAZOR and the TEXTURE ERAZOR MESH 10R kuid 44700:11992. As usual, I hope I dont blow-up my TRS2004:confused: :confused: :confused:
Yes it actually uses them. The gnd file holds up to 5 textures at each grid vertex. They could actually be the same texture but each has its own weight, rotation and scale values. At each vertex the textures listed are scaled, rotated and merged according to the weight values then rendered. Maximum number of different textures in the gnd file is limited to 250.

Bob Pearson
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Beware the thorn bushes

So you're saying that when you texture over a texture the original one (or two, etc.) is still there, beneath the new one? I never knew that!
No wonder I'm starting to see low frame rates! :eek:
I see lack of operation completely after adding much folage. I must remove all this now just to get a frame rate at all! Beware!! I have not even opened that senario now in a long time, after five years building on it. Got into G-max and the Blues there of, another problem in auran programing!

Wow thanks guys a lot of good information there. But is'nt it a bit of a catch 22? If you are maxed out on textures then how can you apply the cover to use erazor?
Hi Vulcan40 :wave:


09 has no texture limits.

Erazor cannot be used in 09

Use Erazor in a 06 map it screws it up in 09


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You got to download texture kuid 44700:11992 from DLS as well.

mmm i look for this and i i could not fin this on the d/l station
I found it using CM2 i.e. TS2009. I cound not find it using the DLS in 2004 even with all ver. checked.