Emergency stop?

Can anyone tell me how to get around this problem? Recently I merged Yorkshire Pt 1, 2 and 3 together. While taking a passenger train through Northallerton (Where I did not intend to stop) it suddenly stopped and loaded up. I had set the throttle to Neutral and lapped the brakes (had modified the speed limit to 125 from York to Northallerton and then 85 to Darlington) and am baffled as to how it happened. Any solutions?
I think this is a feature of some of tafweb's stations; he scripted a feature that automatically stops all trains when they pass through the stations, or something like that. Perhaps replacing the stationw ould work.
I would guess the script would be tied in to some feature of the realistic control model. Maybe it reads the position of the realistic throttle or brake, which is not possible in DCC.