EMD vs. ALCo vs. GE vs. BLW vs. F-M?


Now T:ANE I can get into
Out of the 5 major U.S. locomotive builders, who does your vote go for?

My rating...

1. EMD (The classic)

2. Baldwin (So odd, who doesn't love 'em?)

3. ALCo (FAs are a LEGACY)

4. Fairbanks-Morse (Trainmasters and CFMs)

5. General Electric (I like GE, I just like the others better)

Cast your votes, slaves!!!
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1) ALCO!!! (because, who doesn't like PA's and Big Boys? :D :D :D )

2) EMD!! (Ah, the classic cab unit. Plus the SW8's. :D :udrool: )

3) Baldwin (I loves me a Lima loco! :udrool: )

4) GE (Hybrids ruel. :p )

5) Fairbanks-Morse (Sorry, F-M, nothing against ya, it's because I like the others better. ;) )
While Alco is not my Favorite (Always Leaking Coolant Oil) they did build the K-28s

Overall Ill take Baldwin, good builder. Lots of Narrow Gauge Equipment.
ALCo. An ALCo with the same stats as a Baldwin would be a few mph faster due to better driver balancing. Also, the S1s (probably their other diesels, too) are fun to work on. Baldwin is second, 'cause a they built a lot of really good looking engines (I get to work on 5). EMD next. Lima. Porter. Glover. F-M. Whitcomb. Past every other locomotive company, including ones I haven't heard of yet, is GE.

(ALCos use water for cooling, thus accusing them of constantly loosing cooling oil is unfounded. They do grow moss when they aren't being used, though.)

To be honest, I really don't care what kind of loco it is as long as it pulls the train and provides some degree of comfort. But, for old times' sake, I'm going to have to go with a GE. You can't beat the sound of those things notching up. Besides I find them to be much more comfortable and reliable than the EMDs. (The ones I've been in.) EMD may very well have been the leader in the 70s-80s but I think GE has taken the lead.
Fairbanks-Morse has the coolest engine.
My favorite covered wagon is the Alco DL-109 (I can't believe we don't have those in Trainz!)
My favorite heavy road switchers are the Baldwin 6 axle models, like the AS-616, and the Alco MRS-1.
Alco RS-3 light road switcher.
Baldwin VO-1000 yard switcher.
EMD gets an honorable mention only because I kight the big shouldered look the Geep hood gives a Baldwin. (I want a Beep).

:cool: Claude
GE for the old stuff like -7's and U-boats, i love the sound of dash 7's notching up, new GE's (besides GEVO's) sound alright too especially when you have three of them together but rail fanning exclusively CSX a steady stream of GE widecabs gets dull quick.
That being said i like pretty much any engine, with the exception of MTU, and whoever made the engines for the Gensh*t's.