Drivers have walked off job, etc. !!


Track Warper
I've been working on a route for several months using TRS2006 and a correctly installed SP1 (that is, everything seemed to be working OK). Suddenly, my train drivers (not device drivers) have disappeared and a couple of other weird things are happening.
1. No drivers even though the Driver Setup for the session seem to be correctly installed. (I've deleted and reinstalled with no change.)
2. The Custom HUD (which displays the odometer and grade) has disappeared.
3. F5 used to remove all the on-screen control and status icons but now the camera icons (in cab, tracking, etc are now in the upper right corner) and the waybill, schedule, etc (lower right) stay on when F5 is pressed. The Current speed and speed control panels seem to cycle on and off OK. The drop down menu in the upper left is OK.
4. I'm using the simple control method but sometimes when I jump in an engine and press "W", the engine motor just revs but doesn't move.

Could some of these problems be due to having too many different objects and vehicles in the layout?

I'm trying to avoid a complete reinstall so any suggestions appreciated.:(

Thanks. -Walt
The Current speed and speed control panels seem to cycle on and off OK, That is a common thing when a diesel loco on the game has no fuel, the only way to over ride it is to abandon all tasks and kick the driver off, then you should be able to drive it using dcc control,

If you arent using the sd70's then im not entirly sure of the issue there.

Could some of these problems be due to having too many different objects and vehicles in the layout?: no that should not effect it

Make a real quick layout and place a industry and a loco and tell me if things work if they do then we know its something wrong with the session.

Are you trying to get the loco's to work in a new session? or a saved one.

PS. Maybe you should negotiate new better pay for your employees :P

Thanks for the reply. Speed and control panels cycle in response to the F7? key. I didn't think to check fuel. What's the deal with the sd70's. I noticed this in an F7A and a sd40 (I think).
However, I did make a quick layout with one engine and a driver did show up so it looks like it might be a problem with the particular layout and not with TRS06 itself. I was working with a saved session, not a new one, when I experienced the problems.
BTW, when I look at the layout in Vista Mare, most of the JK track seems to be missing but most of the original built-in track (one of the ones that comes with TRS06) were there. Go figure as I had Vista Mare working properly a few versions of my layout ago.

I guess I should pay union wages for the train operating staff??

The L SD70s in TRS2006, built by Phil_C, are more proto-typical than the other locos in that they have cold engines, empty fuel tanks and no sand in them when placed on a track in Surveyor. You have to select the ? then click the loco and put in fuel and sand. When you go to driver, if you select Cab mode you have to start the diesel. There is a functioning control panel on the back wall in the cab. In DCC mode the loco starts when you enter the cab. Very kewl.

It's simple. Turn to the back panel and flip the isolation switch to the "Start" position I belive, or anything other than what it's currently on. Press the black button and you're rolling!
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I get these problems as well in saved sessions only do you still have to flip the switch to start it up even with dcc mode on?
I don't think so it should start automatically. If it's one of the default World of Trainz locos (one of the three SD70s) you cannot set it to auto-start. If you have a later version of Phil's locomotives, say the SD75I, you can set it to already be started in Surveyor.
In DCC mode it starts automatically if you put fuel in it when you were in Surveyor. If you didn't and try to drive it the throttle will keep returning to the center (off) position.

When you start a saved session, the SD70 will be shut down and you have to start the engine. This is no problem if this is a saved Cab mode session since you can use the start panel on the back wall of the cab. If this is a DCC mode session you must manually restart the diesel with the 'Start or Shutdown Command. To make this available as a driver command you must go to Surveyor, edit session, click driver command, edit and check the Locomotive Start or Shutdown Command. To use this you have to start a new session and future saved sessions will have the command available and can be used to restart the diesels.

Thanks very much for all the useful and detailed information regarding running the SD70; I was having a problem with the SD40 but that seems to have gone away.

However, I still :mad: have the problem with the lack of drivers. It seems to be a session problem rather than a TRS2006 problem as I created a simple layout with one engine and there was a driver available. Any suggestions on this issue?

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Hello kozowh,

On the first time you make the session, the drivers come automatically with the first loco in the consist, any other edits however, you have to manually put them in with the Setup Drivers rule.

I've got the Driver Setup in the session rules and some drivers assigned but they don't show up when I run DRIVER. Cycling F5 doesn't give me the list of train drivers on the left side of the screen nor the blank box with the "?" in the bottom left corner. Also, the custom HUD doesn't show up even though it's in the session rules as well.

Is there some config file that might have been corrupted? Any other suggestions? I can't drive all the trains myself!!!
