Drive versus Navigate?


Well-known member
With the new TANE system where does the argument about Drive versus Navigate stand? What is the best use of each?
The argument, the one that exists between you and your AI drivers, :hehe: is the same as it was in TS12 and previous versions as well. Navigate To and Navigate Via has the drivers find the best way between navigate to points whether this means they will back up go forward, or attempt to run around other trains, and usually mess things up in complex places so the Navigate To and Navigate Via are good for those long stretches of nothing where the AI can snooze and drive. The Drive To and Drive Via commands are good if you want to specify exact instructions. These are great for complex junctions and yards where you don't want the AI to wander off and screw with you.

Hope this helps.

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The sessions for the PO&N map use 'navigate', and as a consequence I found that the AI trains were using the player-dedicated tracks when the tracks for AI trains were occupied, which can happen when the player enters one of the squeeze points thus blocking an oncoming AI train AND the interval between two AI trains is a bit narrow (10 minutes or less). For that reason I took to updating the session (thus making a new one) where I replaced all 'navigate' commands with 'drive'.

The sessions for the PO&N map use 'navigate', and as a consequence I found that the AI trains were using the player-dedicated tracks when the tracks for AI trains were occupied, which can happen when the player enters one of the squeeze points thus blocking an oncoming AI train AND the interval between two AI trains is a bit narrow (10 minutes or less). For that reason I took to updating the session (thus making a new one) where I replaced all 'navigate' commands with 'drive'.


I've done the same with other routes as well, but even still the AI should just sit there rather than deciding they've waited long enough and then driving off. I find that a bit less than prototypical!
