Dragons Pass Muiltyplayer V8.2


Acount Deleted
Dragons Pass Muiltyplayer V8.2 & DPMP TR12 SP1 V8.5 ( Beta ) Session are now up and running after much work and long suffering its finely working and I plan to leave it that way.

Anyone who is interested in running a session the following weekend ( Nov 30 & Dec 1) Please post a comment below

Game info:
Trainz Vision: TR12 SP1 hf3
Map: Dragons Pass Muiltyplayer V8.2
Session: DPMP TR12 SP1 V8.5 ( Beta )
Next Session: as posted
Times: ( All Day ) 10am to 5pm Atlantic 1pm to 8pm GMT or 3pm to 10pm CET (during DST)

Please don't abandon your train on the main line wend you leave its extremity annoying pull onto a siding before leaving if at all possible.
Blow horns at all Xing
obey speed limits passenger trains may over speed by 15mph only for speeds 50+
use bell wen switching of yard work. ( 5 ring )

DPR horn rule:
Xing 2 long 1 short 1 long
Entering or leaving a yard/siding ( Switchers Only ) 2 short
Approaching a station 1 short 1 long ( Passenger Only )
entering tunnels 1 long ( 3 sec )
Friendly horns wen passing allow.

Speed Limits:
All yards and sideing speed limit is 20mph regardless of the curinted speed limit unless limit is lower.

Have Fun!
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Dragons Pass MP V9.0

Its been sometime I doge out the old MP map and did some work to it along with some updating.

Missing leavers been added, unused tiles deleted, tracks replaced with JR built in tracks, Tunnels added in were non was, some unused tracks removed, Dragon City to Iorn Valley deleted.

Map now runs form Iorn Valley to Orange Dale

The Session will be updated soon with some new trains.

Feel Free to beta test it.