Downloads With 2 Trainz Folders


Still Learning

I AM NOT a computer wise person, and I tend to download from the Download Station FAR FAR more than I need or could possibly ever use. I simply just hate having so many items in SURVEYOR. For me, having 20 different passenger car sets is ridiculous, but I still want them available to me when and if I want them. I would not want to use TRAINZOBJECTS to delete them, but I also would not want to stop to download them, which would mean again searching through the monster sized DLS. I have already spent months looking at most of it, and now I basically only concentrate on recent additions.

Is it wise, is it efficient, and is it possible to have a TRS2004 Dispatcher folder for the many downloads, and a 2nd Dispatcher folder that I truly use, one that has minimal downloads. In my example above, I would have only 3 different passenger car sets in addition to those that are there by default. THIS would be the one I use daily as I do the Trainz dance, and the folder with the GAZILLION downloads would only be used when I am building a layout.

Could it be a simple matter of flip flopping the names DISPATCHER and DISPATCHER1, using one when building a layout ( the one with the monster sized downloads ), and the other when running the layout ( the one with a minimal number of assets )?? Am I making any sense????????:confused:
Possibly what you could do is go into the "railyard" on the main page on start up and go through and add what you want to the favourites category. Then when in surveyor click the fav's tab at the top of the rolling stock list and ther you have the ones that you really need. Then if you want ot add more you go back in to the railyard and add more as ou see fit. Might take some time going through all your content but would be quicker in the end!!

Just a thought.

Yep, you are making sense. And renaming folders sounds like it would be quicker than the other alternative which is to archive the ones you don't need (using Trainzobjectz or perhaps CMP). I have a nagging suspicion that the folder may be reserved and not allow a name change. I could easily be wrong on that, as I have never done it myself. Only one way to find out!

I AM NOT a computer wise person, and I tend to download from the Download Station FAR FAR more than I need or could possibly ever use. I simply just hate having so many items in SURVEYOR. For me, having 20 different passenger car sets is ridiculous, but I still want them available to me when and if I want them. I would not want to use TRAINZOBJECTS to delete them, but I also would not want to stop to download them, which would mean again searching through the monster sized DLS. I have already spent months looking at most of it, and now I basically only concentrate on recent additions.

Is it wise, is it efficient, and is it possible to have a TRS2004 Dispatcher folder for the many downloads, and a 2nd Dispatcher folder that I truly use, one that has minimal downloads. In my example above, I would have only 3 different passenger car sets in addition to those that are there by default. THIS would be the one I use daily as I do the Trainz dance, and the folder with the GAZILLION downloads would only be used when I am building a layout.

Could it be a simple matter of flip flopping the names DISPATCHER and DISPATCHER1, using one when building a layout ( the one with the monster sized downloads ), and the other when running the layout ( the one with a minimal number of assets )?? Am I making any sense????????:confused:
Hi manjoe, there is a way to do this but I have never used it. Using TrainzObjectz will Archive content but you will not be able to find a particular item you are looking for.

Your suggestion of Dispatcher and then Dispatcher1 is the basic answer, I just can not remember how to do it or how it works, nor even how you can see your content in one folder to the other. However, I did print this out one time so I will have a look for you and find the details then post them here.

In the mean time someone else may remember the answer and reply.

Absolutely, when i was running 04 with a jillion gigs of content I had multiple dispatcher folders.

Have your disptacher folders saved in a safe place. Whenever you change dispatcher folders you will need to delete the world cache dispatcher.chump file and allow TRS2004 to rebuild the database, but this only takes a few minutes.
Absolutely, when i was running 04 with a jillion gigs of content I had multiple dispatcher folders.

Have your disptacher folders saved in a safe place. Whenever you change dispatcher folders you will need to delete the world cache dispatcher.chump file and allow TRS2004 to rebuild the database, but this only takes a few minutes.

Thanks Alan. I thought it could be done. I just somehow recall seeing messages suggesting that changing the name is a NO NO......I will do it. Thanks a lot.........:wave:
Possibly what you could do is go into the "railyard" on the main page on start up and go through and add what you want to the favourites category. Then when in surveyor click the fav's tab at the top of the rolling stock list and ther you have the ones that you really need. Then if you want ot add more you go back in to the railyard and add more as ou see fit. Might take some time going through all your content but would be quicker in the end!!

Just a thought.


Thanks Brownie82. I use the favorites for the rolling stock. Maybe a future release will allow favorites for OBJECTS!!!! :wave:
Improving Railyard

This may be a hint for Auran to add a folder capability within railyard so you can segregate rolling stock into different groups within your working environment conveniently and then pull them in as needed. The catalog display also needs a larger picture of the current highlighted rolling stock as you cursor down the list because the tiny image in the list is so small that in most cases you can not see it and with the list opened up the large image is obsured. I would suggest a image about the size of several lines of text in the lower right corner which is a blowup of the image in the list so you can move quickly over them and see whats there without having to wait on the generation of the full image and then move the list out of the way,
Hi manjoe, there is a way to do this but I have never used it. Using TrainzObjectz will Archive content but you will not be able to find a particular item you are looking for.

Your suggestion of Dispatcher and then Dispatcher1 is the basic answer, I just can not remember how to do it or how it works, nor even how you can see your content in one folder to the other. However, I did print this out one time so I will have a look for you and find the details then post them here.

In the mean time someone else may remember the answer and reply.

Sorry I can not find my printed copy but I know I did print it.

Alan is on the right track though so hopefully that will help you out.

Sorry I can not find my printed copy but I know I did print it.

Alan is on the right track though so hopefully that will help you out.


Thanks Seeseeme......... I am going to go for it. If an idea such as FAVORITES for the rolling stock existed for OBJECTS, I would be thrilled. I tend to download anything I like. Unfortunately, they cross time periods, countries, scales, and everything else. I wanted to group them in some simple way.

Thanks a lot. :wave: