Downloads from Download Station


New member
I have recently been introduced to the railroad simulator and are trying to download content from Download Station. but can only download the details and no content. I have contacted the Trains helpdesk and tryed what they say but still no content is there anybody out there can help.

Geoff Barrett
More information would help: what version of Trainz, and perhaps your computer specs.

What have you been advised to do by Auran?

It's not clear what you mean by saying you can download "the details".

Many downloading problems are due to computer firewalls not letting files through, or difficulty actually connecting to the download station and getting the user name and password set up properly.
In reply to Originalwelshborder.
I am running trs2004, my computor is a Optima with a pentium 4 processor,
windows xp and 1.0 gb ram.
Auran told me to re-enter my username and password in the download station login detail box, which I have done.

I have tried to download 4 locomotives off the download menu, I get the details on the Railyard list (ie 02 Diesel BR Blue) but no diesel appears on the Railyard Menu

Regards Geoff Barrett
Ok a few questions come to mind.

1) Are you running TRS2004 build 23xx version 2.4?

2) Some items from the DLS requires PaintShed as a dependency. Have you downloaded it, installed it, created an item with it, and have saved it?

3) Have you also checked the map for missing dependencies with a Program called TrainzObjectz

