downloading problems


i can not download anything for my trainz 2006 because it will not show my internet speed. how can i correct this problem?
hi Dreyfus,

What version of TRS2006 are you running? Are you running TRS2006 build 3092 version 2.6?

Have you entered your username and password under CMP's configuration screen? When CMP is launched click on Settings>Internet

Does your KUID show under Settings>Misc.?

Are you behind a firewall and have allowed CMP to connect?

Have you also entered your username and password under TRS2006's Option screen? By clicking on the TRS2006 shortcut and clicking on Options.


KUID is what identifies us. For example your KUID number is 274282.

If you are on version 2.5 then have you downloaded and installed SP1 mentioned in this thread and also this thread?


I haven"t been able to download anything for about 2 days now and loading pages has taken forever.Are you on AOL by any chance?...:(
It says http and port do i have to fill that in because i dunno were to find my http and port i am not comp wizz.
In the CMP Settings window Internet tab put your User name and password. Check the No Proxy Server choice, not Manual Proxy Settings. Save and try to download. If it doesn't work open the Auran Forum again and select Profile at the top menu bar. Re-enter your password and save it.


I cant get my internet connection Visible!:'( I've tried Re-Typing my auran Password and Username, but it just wont show up! Can someone help. PLEASE!!!!!:'(