Downloading off

You need to register first of all.

Then decide whether you want premium access (similar to Auran FCT) which offers fast speed and unlimited downloads. Or free access which requires you to queue selected files and download at slower speed with (I believe) a daily limit.

After that just browse the file library for the items you want.
How do you download off

If you mean, then as far as I can see its a commercial service with very limited free downloads. The site has mainly MSTS downloads available and MSTS is much more payware orientated than Trainz is. Since they sell MSTS payware addons expect lots of adverts to spend money on a new addon.

"Only a max of six downloads at a time will occur, as each one completes you will move up the queue.
There is only a maximum bandwidth of 12k/s assigned to free downloads. This is spread equally over all downloading sessions. If you are the only person downloading via free access then you will get all 12k/s, if you are one of six people then you will get 2k/s." 2k/s is glacial by the way, try downloading 50 mb layout followed by the dependencies it would just take forever, the free side of the DLS is faster and can accept more than 6 connections at once.

Since its quite a bit more expensive than the DLS, has fewer downloads available which have not been through the Auran error checking routine you're probably much better off buying a First Class ticket from Auran for $10 or about £5.

£ 3.00 for 1 month
£11.75 for 6 months
£20.00 for 12 months

Cheerio John
Unsure if anyone is an expert on this website,, but does it have any Trainz downloads at all available, everything I have looked at seems to be an add-on for M$T$.....

Cheerz. ex.
Unsure if anyone is an expert on this website,, but does it have any Trainz downloads at all available, everything I have looked at seems to be an add-on for M$T$.....

Cheerz. ex.

When I had a look a couple of years ago it had the odd one or two items.

Cheerio John
When I had a look a couple of years ago it had the odd one or two items.

Cheerio John

Ermmm, I think they've been well and truly hidden in that case John, 'cos I cannot see anything now, I looked about 2 weeks ago.....thanks a lot anyway young man....and thank you for your BR OAA brown wagons that appeared on the DLS this week, they're super duper.

Thanks as well Disturbnthapeace, I already have this website cookied for future reference.....

Cheerz. ex.
If you click on the Newest Files box you will get a list of the newest MSTS files. Just above the first file you will see a selection box that says MSTS. Clicking on the arrow will give a list of the different simulators. Select the one you want and click on Update to give the new list. As stated it is mainly an MSTS site (not payware) and the few Trainz models are generally available on the DLS or other Trainz sites. As far as I know it is commercial only in as far as Matt has to use advertising to keep it running.
Ermmm, I think they've been well and truly hidden in that case John, 'cos I cannot see anything now, I looked about 2 weeks ago.....thanks a lot anyway young man....and thank you for your BR OAA brown wagons that appeared on the DLS this week, they're super duper.

Thanks as well Disturbnthapeace, I already have this website cookied for future reference.....

Cheerz. ex.

Am I sending you the new Blender OAA beta? If not email me jwhelan0112 I could do with some technical input. Since I seem to be able to cut the polys with blender in a way I never could with GMAX I have a few more polys to spare with the Blender versions.

Cheerio John
Hmmmmmmm, no sir, not me sir, I have absolutely no working knowledge of GMAX or anything else technical, sorry guv'nor, I think you may have me confused with someone else John.....
I'd love to help you out of course squire, but have no time at present to beta test for anyone, and to be quite honest with you John, I wouldn't even know where to start......:hehe: I just enjoy the end products, that's all....:p

And thanks as well teddytoot, again, virtually nothing for Trainz that we haven't already seen before.....Great for MS of course, but that doesn't interest me, pity really, 'cos some of the locomotives look very good and I'm sure would work a treat in TRS2004, can we get any of there creators interested in our simulator product......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex.
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Hmmmmmmm, no sir, not me sir, I have absolutely no working knowledge of GMAX or anything else technical, sorry guv'nor, I think you may have me confused with someone else John.....
I'd love to help you out of course squire, but have no time at present to beta test for anyone, and to be quite honest with you John, I wouldn't even know where to start......:hehe: I just enjoy the end products, that's all....:p

Cheerz. ex.

You don't need to know GMAX etc but a knowledge of how long the wagon should be and how many wheels it should have is technical to me, I had hoped it was knowledge you may have.

Cheerio John