download station


New member
how do you download stuff from DLS?

i am trying to download NYCTA from Content Manager Plus

it only finds it sometimes, and when I try to download it. Nothing happens except for a cow sound. then it locks up for 5 minutes.

TRS2006 SP1 installed. help
Since my last post wasn't actually very helpful...

If using CMP, drag/drop items into the Download Helper on the left hand pane.

If DL direct from website, just click "Download" and CMP automatically sets the DLH going.

Note that in both cases you have to click "Start" within CMP - Something so simple it took me ages before I noticed my downloads weren't going. :o
Excuse me reviving this topic, as the DLS is playing silly-beggers with me now :mad:.

This is my problem:

Notice there are several downloads waiting, but although on the DLS CMP does not recognise them.

This happens regularly - it seems that CMP needs a day or sometimes 2 to work out what is on the DLS after the upload.

EDIT: by the way, I know you can press esc to remove the message, but this does not solve the problem.

Mods - could you move this to the correct section also.
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you will need to wait till it finishes updating the TAD. then it will start looking for the said items in the DLH window. updating the TAD ca take a while. get it started then go do something else.

I'll have another crack at it tomorrow - it might recognise the stuff then (still don't know why not today though).

I shall report back (after school).
As espected, CMP is functioning with yesterday's content. I'll try some of todays after finishing yesterday's.

I suspect there is nothing the Helpdesk can do to help me personally, but in the next SP (assuming there is one before the launch of TRSC) they need to address this issue if other people are having the same problem.

Is the problem only with UK versions?
What are the missing dependencies?

Hint: Launch CMP and clicking on the missing dependencies tab and right-click on the item and select view>missing dependencies. Anything listed as a ? is missing/unknown.


Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21016>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21040>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21064>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21065>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21066>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21067>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21068>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21069>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21070>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9:21071>

is there a better way of searching for these things, i downloaded other subway sets and they all register missing dependencies. and CMP can't even find them!