Download Station Problems

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Thanks Guys.

Thanks Guys, I have been off line for a while due to working away from home,I thought I had problems unique to me, don't bothe replying to my email Spaid.
Geoff Hope:sleep:

Because my computer crashed 2 days ago during a download i thought i corrupted my copy of download helper! so i deleted it hoping to reinstall it today but alas i cant download that either!

oh wo is me!
No worries

Hi Aiden,
No worries, I am sure you are doing all you can to get things on an even keel again. We can all manage in the meantime, it's not the end of life as we know it!

Hi Aiden,
No worries, I am sure you are doing all you can to get things on an even keel again. We can all manage in the meantime, it's not the end of life as we know it!


Unless of course Trainz IS your life:D (which fortunately is not mine).
I've been getting "server full" messages for the past 4 days or so, and I have a FCT! Any ETA on when these problems will be solved?
I thought something was funny when I started getting random "glitches" in TRS06 CMP and TC CMP.

Thanks for the heads up Aidan.

Hi all im new here,
I want to try to download the NZR 2 track level crossing but the DLS still not works.
As you know another link to this download, please tell me then.;)

I bought trains classics yesterday and been trying to download since then, thinking it was my end lol, I think its a case of sit this one out. Hope u crack the problem soon guys..:'(
But with the demise of Auran maybe this is the end. Who pays the bills for the considerable bandwidth for the DLS?

I have a FCT as a result of a Christmas present upgrade and now can't get anything.

And why are new registrations for the forum disabled?
But with the demise of Auran maybe this is the end. Who pays the bills for the considerable bandwidth for the DLS?

I have a FCT as a result of a Christmas present upgrade and now can't get anything.

And why are new registrations for the forum disabled?

They aren't disabled. The link is obsolete and will not work. There is an alternate link.
As for paying the bills, the whole purpose of the Great Shakedown was to cut costs and increase profits. Hopeful this will happen barring any other consumer marketing foul ups.
If the server has been down for two days - I dont think the word "just" is the propper phrase. your DL-station service are worldwide 24 hous a day. And it is supposed to server your costomers, both paying and non paying. In my world, a commercial server being down for that period of time, indicates big problems, og a lack of professionalisme. Could you please see to it, thanks.
Originally posted by bendecro
[/B]If the server has been down for two days - I dont think the word "just" is the propper phrase. your DL-station service are worldwide 24 hous a day. And it is supposed to server your costomers, both paying and non paying. In my world, a commercial server being down for that period of time, indicates big problems, og a lack of professionalisme. Could you please see to it, thanks.[/B]

The last time I checked, the DLS server was located in the US. Auran, on the otherhand, is in Australia, so unfortunately if the problem is hardware based, Auran is at the "mercy" of someone else. Honestly, and I mean no offence to anyone, but some patience would be greatly appreciated.

'patience' whats that?

"Honestly, and I mean no offence to anyone, but some patience would be greatly appreciated."

'Patience' what is that? :hehe:

One thing I've noticed, while it's being connected on line with a SLOW, and I mean SLOW internet connection, or waiting at a Stop signal for 10hrs while I'm at work, the more time you keep looking for an outcome the slower it will take. To me its like the old phrase "The pot wont boil any quicker if you stand there and watch it!!"

Mike S.

Yes patience is needed not problem!

But for the people who have in ticket FCT, Ben days
Turn and turns!

Thus the question is what Auran thinks of giving the meters of up to date days at the moment Breakdown bus soon my ticket FCT is at 0 days.

In fact I you recall that despite everything these is services that Auran proposes And must provide this paying service seen that the customer to be paid in service, and to compensate

If there is in problem!!! (See according to the legislation in strengths)
I it is that Auran with problems financier, but if it continues to propose a service

Of service paying it must make in maximum to solve this problem, because currently That surely do not help them if Auran remains in in Total silence.
I you thank much for it



Oui il faut de la patience pas de problème !

Mais pour les personnes qui ont en ticket FCT , ben les jours
Tourne et tourne !

Donc la question est ce que Auran pense remettre les compteurs de jours à jour au moment De la panne car bientôt mon ticket FCT est à 0 jours.

En fait je vous rappel que malgré tous c’est une prestations que Auran propose et doit fournir cette prestation payante vue que le client à payer en service, et de compenser si il y a en problème !!! (A Voir selon la législation en vigueurs)

Je c’est que Auran à des problèmes financier, mais si il continue de proposer une prestation de service payante il doivent faire en maximum pour résoudre ce problème, car actuellement cela vas sûrement pas les aider si Auran reste dans en silence Total.

Je vous en remercie beaucoup

Good morning folks.

Just to let you know it is 8:55am here in the USA on Saturday and I tried to access the DLS. Got to the site, picked a file, but the server still will not send it. I stopped the feed before it screwed up my Content Manager as it did a couple of days ago.:'(

Since I haven't heard anything further from the folks at Auran and see no notices posted, I am assuming that the problem is really a major problem and they have no information for us. I hope they can fix it.
Good morning folks.

Just to let you know it is 8:55am here in the USA on Saturday and I tried to access the DLS. Got to the site, picked a file, but the server still will not send it. I stopped the feed before it screwed up my Content Manager as it did a couple of days ago.:'(

Since I haven't heard anything further from the folks at Auran and see no notices posted, I am assuming that the problem is really a major problem and they have no information for us. I hope they can fix it.

I hear ya! I was just about to get some of the best things id seen on the DLS, right before I started, I think, It said server full!lol:hehe: , but:'(
I want to give moment of appretiation, how ever you spell it, for the people at auran, working the butts off, while we just click and wait.Good work guys, hope the problems fixed soon!:wave: :clap: ;)
I want to give moment of appretiation, how ever you spell it, for the people at auran, working the butts off, while we just click and wait.Good work guys, hope the problems fixed soon!:wave: :clap: ;)

I'm visualizing one very frustrated-looking techician with a soldering iron weaving his way through a multicolored jungle of wires.
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