Download Station----Help please


New member
I am a new user of the download station. I have downloaded a number of locomotives for Trainz 2004 which although listed in my railyard, do not appear in the railshed when selected. Neither do they appear on the track when selected in Surveyor. Am I doing something wrong. Help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Ok a few questions come to mind.

1) Are you running TRS2004 build 23xx version 2.4?

2) Some items from the DLS requires PaintShed as a dependency. Have you downloaded it, installed it, created an item with it, and have saved it?

3) Have you also checked for missing dependencies with a Program called TrainzObjectz?


Welcome to the mysterious and frustrating world of the Download Station (DLS)!

All of the locomotives, rolling stock, tracks and buildings and stuff used in TRS have a whole heap of 'dependencies' - things needed to make the object work. Sometimes these dependencies are missed when the object is downloaded and you then have to try and find out what the dependency is and where you can find it (not all dependencies are kept on the DLS).

The first thing you need to do is to let us know what object is not showing up. Many of these objects are well known to the community and chances are someone will be able to tell you exactly what it is you need.

If you're using 06, CMP should list what is missing. If you're using 04 then you need to get a programme called Trainz ObjectZ (TO). You can get it here:

When you ask for help like this always say what the object is (its name) and its kuid number. A kuid number is a unique identifier and makes it much easier to offer help and find what's needed.

Good luck.


Thanks for all this info. That really is service. I'll give your suggestions a try. Looks like I've got a lot of learning to do!