Download helper


New member
I just got a new hard drive to put trainz on so know on E drive. But know download helper will not download any thing help
Hi kentrains,

The easy way is to create a shortcut for download helper on your desktop. Then open DH from the desktop shortcut, near the top you will see two panels which can have details entered in to them. The very top one may have your TRS version already in, the next one down you can enter the drive and path that points to your Trainz directory. Then click on "save" to close the helper panel.

Hope this helps,
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Hi There
I Start downloading something on Trainz Download helper and it says logging into Planet auran then it says Complete
but it hasn't downloaded anything
Please help guys thanks
Could you perhaps post the kuid number here? It might be that the file is "corrupt". There are a number of items on the DLS that are, unfortunately, not correctly finished in the uploading process.
How do ya' get the download helper

Wherehe heck can you get the trainz download helper? Cuz every time I download something from DLS and it says download with download helper I go to that and it says I don't have it. So wherecan I get it from? :(
Wherehe heck can you get the trainz download helper? Cuz every time I download something from DLS and it says download with download helper I go to that and it says I don't have it. So wherecan I get it from? :(

Hi crazypoo
Download helper is part of the CM2 look at the list of side bars on the left hand side

Hi, I am trying to dowload content from the dls on vista and everytime helper starts to dowload the computer says that the trainzhelperGUI has stopped working please close the program. How do I stop this happening?:confused:
It should be under the tab: Manage Content ... In TRS2006 the DownLoadHelper is inside the CMP Content Manager ... in your case it should be under the CM tab.