Don't uses the red, green or yellow airport lights by gliuk28: they won't move!


Well-known member
Once placed on the map, no Surveyor tool can grab them and reposition them.

The only way to get rid of them is with Undo or delete this asset in CM and have
Surveyor delete them from the route/session.

This is bad.

They won't Delete suing the Surveyor Object Delete tool either.

This is the case of assets lacking "grab handles".
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You might have to turn on grid mode and zoom out a bit more than usual to grab the assets. Sometimes getting the right angle helps too, which I've used for tiny objects such as small markers and signs.
We used to say "Ignorance is Bliss"

It now seems that "Having no knowledge of a subject confers the right to declare it unusable".

Amazing how much things have improved over the years :).
Actually, it's quite possible that they CAN'T be moved. GLIUK28 uses Sketchup, which does not support attachment points. It looks like those models were made with PEV's Attachment Maker, a kludge to get around that limitation. In effect, the model is very small - possibly too small to be "grabbed" in Surveyor. At least, I wasn't able to do so when testing this object.

I've never found an asset that can't be moved or otherwise manipulated but some are an absolute PIA with the 'hotspot' being way distant from the object in Surveyor.

Models made in Sketchup tend to suffer from this more than models made in GMAX or Blender but that could be down to the experience of the users of the software, Sketchup generally being regarded as beginners level.
I have found the same to be true, Chris. It has something to do with setting the world origin on the model, think that's the term for it, otherwise its center pivot point could be the last point on the model. I remember having to do this way back in the olden days of 3ds R4 for Dos which was the last time I did any modeling.

Look directly straight down, from directly above, and click around all over the place.

All sorts of assets are hard to get rid of as they have a very small sweet spot, such as digholes, and animated assets like: "distant airplane", "combine" ... I had so many "Adler" (ravens) flying around, that I changed the username in its config file to "zadler", placing it at the bottom of my picklist.
Look directly straight down, from directly above, and click around all over the place.

All sorts of assets are hard to get rid of as they have a very small sweet spot, such as digholes, and animated assets like: "distant airplane", "combine" ... I had so many "Adler" (ravens) flying around, that I changed the username in its config file to "zadler", placing it at the bottom of my picklist.

Adler means eagle in German, not crows. :)

The other way is to use replace assets and replace the can't delete things with something like one of those gigantic oversized bright orange trees that can be grabbed really easily. :D
Thanks, John! I should have thought of that. I used that method to replace smoking fires that were too hard to spot overhead at high altitude yesterday with big administration buildings that are easy to spot on the ground a mile up. I was using the smoking fires to TRY to mark the location of spline points on the map for high-altitude sky track for airplane flights but I have my latest thread with an even BETTER idea! Which see.