Does anyone know what stores sell TC


New member
Does anyone know what stores i can get Trainz Classic at I am in southern Ontario canada and i know that future shop for the longest time had trs 2006 does anyone know if TC is there or anywhere in ontario stores?
In the USA TC is called Trainz Railwayz and includes TRS2006. It's distributed by Merscom. I'm guessing but perhaps it's also sold under that name in Canada.

Does anyone know what stores i can get Trainz Classic at I am in southern Ontario canada and i know that future shop for the longest time had trs 2006 does anyone know if TC is there or anywhere in ontario stores?

Order it through the Trainz web site Russ Millard handles them and they get mailed from Toronto.

Cheerio John
Hi Jennifer,

I picked up my copy of Trainz Railwayz from EB games in Winnipeg. All 4 stores had limited stock as of yesterday! I really can not say about other locations though.

You could use Amazon, the Uk one has it, Trainz Classics was also released as Railwayz over here, not sure if it includes TRS2006 though, I think so. :D
Beware versions sold in the UK-if they come from Just Trains you have to play with the cd/dvd in the drive because they are obsessed with copy protection! Better to buy from Auran direct and wait for the shipping. Unless you can't wait and are after an impulse buy of course!
Well, the copy of Just Trains' TC that I have does not seem to have that copy protection feature on it as I can run the game without the disk, unless when I brought it, Just Trains forgot to put it on :p (I got mine just after Kuju released their train sim).
Just Trains definitely copy-protect their versions of TRS2004 and TRS2006. Maybe not Trainz Railways, though?

BTW, if it's called Trainz Classics then AFAIK it can't be a Just Trains version. Let us know the build number and we can look it up to check.

I have Trainz Classics build 3355. But it does say Trainz Railways on the box when I got it from my local GAME store.
If Just Trains have stopped the "Disk in Drive" system, good for them and I would have no hesitation in recommending purchase through them. They do carry a comprehensive range of sims and provide an accessible UK outlet. Sorry if I've done them any misservice!
Just bought Trainz Railwayz in Brantford for 19.99 cdn at Electronic Boutique.They had a copy in Cambridge.Not sure where in Southern Ontario you live.