Does anyone know the name of these poles?


Routelayer Ordinaire...
Hi All,

I was surfing through the U.S.A. pics and came across this picture (which is AWESOME BTW!). I was wondering if anyone knew the name/KUID for what I'll call these *tri* telephone polls? (that I circled in orange). They are common to see in some parts of my home province and I'd love to have them for a route I'm building (provided they are are freeware of course :) ).

Many thanks!

Gisa ^^
I need those, too!
I looked them up on the DLS under telephone, telegraph and power, but no luck. Does anyone know where to find them?

:cool: Claude
Haha Tokkyu40, I did the SAME thing as you did and got so frustrated that I posted here. :) Hehe, now had I only done that sooner...

THANK YOU Gangsta_Boi! ^^ :cool:

BTW, I am downloading a route of yours Tokkyu40...I'd love to try a few of them but my fct has expired and the assets I need for those routes add up to about 30 megs, so it might be a while. I think they'll remind me of the great times I've had in Japan. :)

Again, thanks for the help Gangsta_Boi!

Gisa ^^
Er...they aren't there

Hmm, I downloaded the disused sets (there were many of them) but I didn't seem to find the one's in the picture I uploaded. The one's in the picture are rather unique and irregular. Could you give me a specific kuid or the name of the gent who made them? :) Or are they 2006 specific?

Gisa ^^
G'day gisa,

Would I be correct in assuming that the screenshot you have provided above was not taken from Trainz? In which case, I would venture to say that you might well be pushing the proverbial canoe up that very murky river (without paddles), trying to find those telephone poles available from the Download Station.

If I have assumed incorrectly (and this is a Trainz screenshot - a highly unlikely occurrence), then I would start by trying to track down the creator of the route...

Jerker {:)}
G'day gisa,

Would I be correct in assuming that the screenshot you have provided above was not taken from Trainz? In which case, I would venture to say that you might well be pushing the proverbial canoe up that very murky river (without paddles), trying to find those telephone poles available from the Download Station.

If I have assumed incorrectly (and this is a Trainz screenshot - a highly unlikely occurrence), then I would start by trying to track down the creator of the route...

Jerker {:)}

Greetings Jerker,

I saw this screenshot in U.S.A. trains thread here and I'm quite sure it was made in that program as I recognize some of the locos, grass, etc...

Of course, you are right in that I should actually contact the person who posted it, but that would make sense after all and I'm one for doing thiings the hard way :o :rolleyes:

I just thought it might be a common item on the dls and as I found out, Tokkyu40 is also interested in acquiring them. I have to go to work now (stupid work - Homer Simpson voice) but I'll see if I can send a pm to the gent who uploaded that. My only fears are that it's part of a payware route or payware in itself, that it's 2006 compatable only, or the the creator is somewhere far from the internet right now...let's hope not. :)

Moral of the story: I guess 2 + 2 does = 4 sometimes, instead of 2 to the power of 1 / 1/2 * 1 = 4 :D
That shot is of a route that is made by Trainz Eastern Routes. They have some free routes but the majority of them are payware. I also understand that they do alot of thier own content for thier routes so the object could very well not be on the DLS.