Does Anyone Ever Get A Response From Auran's Helpdesk?


New member
UPDATE - just a quick thank you to Alan for sorting this out so promptly for me once he became aware of it - restored my faith in Auran! Thanks again

After a hard drive failure last year, I reinstalled TR2006 in April. However, for some reason I was unable to log on, either to the forum or the download station, using my old username and password - and Auran's password emailer denied all knowledge of my email address!

I emailed Auran - nothing!

Tried to fire TR2006 up again a couple of weeks ago, but found the same problem. I've emailed the Helpdesk twice using the online form, but heard nothing.

Finally, I've had to create a new username under a new registration just to come on here to ask if anyone has any ideas. I had half hoped that all my details might have been reset, but my serial number is still registered - presumably, to a username, password & email address that Auran's system does not recognise!

It's driving me mad - any ideas would be greatefully received.

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I can honestly answer that Q with a YES and a NO. LOLOLOL
My first query was answered and with a couple emails but my second has still yet to be answered. Oh, well...
I hope that the Helpdesk guys look into this forum and can contact me to sort this out. Without access to the DLS (lost many gigs of downloads with my dead harddrive), TRS2006 isn't worth getting into again...
Thanks - appreciate it's now the weekend, but will Alan see my posts here on Monday? I ask because I first emailed the Helpdesk on this 6 months ago!

Thanks again
6 months?

that is an awfully long time, maybe it wasn't recieved, I had to send mine again once because, apparently it was not recieved.
I have put quite a few TRS2004 questions to Help Desk and all were answered (Lance J originally, now Alan Y) ..... but I had to be patient as they took up to a week to respond. I have no complaints in that area as they are presumably busy! I would be concerned about the future of Trainz if they were not busy!


Regards. Colin.
I"ve heard that the Pope once managed to get a response but personally I"ve never managed it.If I have a problem I put it on the Forum and I have no luck I follow Homer Simpsons advice "If at first you don"t succeed,give up trying"....:p
Well, I hope Alan sees my post, as I can't imagine anyone else here - very helpful as you all are - will be able to reset my details so I can log in and download content!

Is there an actual working email address for Alan? I never trust sending emails via online forms and my experience with Auran's bears that out
I rarely use Helpdesk but when I do I get a response in a few days, not by email but through the website. I only get emails saying to go to the Helpdesk website and see the response. That method works best.

I also rarly use email for contacting people with all the spam and stuff going around. I had to stop using the default email that comes with the service provider because it keeps getting spam and once sent a bunch out. After that, I use email rarely for anything and only through certain accounts.

I'd advise to look for other methods before ever using email.
After a hard drive failure last year, I reinstalled TR2006 in April. However, for some reason I was unable to log on, either to the forum or the download station, using my old username and password - and Auran's password emailer denied all knowledge of my email address!

I emailed Auran - nothing!

Tried to fire TR2006 up again a couple of weeks ago, but found the same problem. I've emailed the Helpdesk twice using the online form, but heard nothing.

Finally, I've had to create a new username under a new registration just to come on here to ask if anyone has any ideas. I had half hoped that all my details might have been reset, but my serial number is still registered - presumably, to a username, password & email address that Auran's system does not recognise!

It's driving me mad - any ideas would be greatefully received.


Use the helpdesk web site and it works fine. Usually I have to wait a day or two more at the weekends but they do respond.

Cheerio John
I … lost many gigs of downloads with my dead harddrive

Well, even if I lose the main hard drive on the machine on which I run TRS, I will not have lost any downloaded content. The key to this is in how you do the downloading. I always download the file to a site, which is promptly backed up onto a different drive, and regularly backed up to optical media. Longer ago than I care to admit (hint, the largest drive you could purchase had 20 MB, yes, I mean MB), after spending several hours on a project, I accidentally deleted the file. Since that time, I have always maintained at least two copies of any file that was of any importance. Storage is cheap.

...yes, but I can't log on to the website!

It is a bit of a catch 22 isn't it. Auran are aware of it.

Good luck with getting your issue resolved, I'm sure Alan will sort you out.

I've e-mailed him a link to this thread, which should help,.

Hi I recently decided to change my e-mail address and as you may know this req you to get an authorization e-mail back from Auran .
I must have made a mistake when typing in the new address because I did not get a e-mail back this left me in the same situation as you I could not log into the Forum or get to my profile and when I went to the on line help desk form I was not logged in there either.
This was like the catch 22 that you find your self in however I did send a message to help desk and also got Mike to send in a report of what had happened this resolved the problem as I then got a message from Alan in which he told me that they had tried to contact me but the e-mail address was wrong so they got their messages returned.(thanks Mike and Alan)
Alan told me it is not unusual for a guest to send him a message via the online form and he does read them and respond to them.
So I suggest even if you cant log in you use the form to send in a message giving all the info and your e-mail address.
Here is the link you need Helpdesk
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