DLS No problems for me


Ca Plane Pour Moi
Am I the only person that DLS works propaly for but it does act funny sometimes but the problem is easily rectified. How come the forum is full of whingers can I have some good news for once Please.

Yours klambert
Works for me to :) . Im been able to when a new thread saying the download station is down get onto it and download stuff:eek: .
DLS problems

I think that most of what we are hearing is complaints from persons who are into their first few downloads or are trying to fight the rush on the weekends. My first few downloads were disasters, simply because I'm using TRS06 and you have to absorb the whole database concept, which I think is very counterintuitive. Also, using the DLS seems to require a certain quietness of soul and persistence. Ohhhmmmmmm..... :hehe: But once you've got it, it works great.

Sure DLS work reasonably most of the time or at when there's someone around to keep it running. But if you think it's all that great try uploading a file of some size like a route. Then maybe you might have a different opinion.
Sure DLS work reasonably most of the time or at when there's someone around to keep it running. But if you think it's all that great try uploading a file of some size like a route. Then maybe you might have a different opinion.
If it's over 20 MB then you have to contact Auran. That's always been the case.

I have had a problem with the DLS, but looking through the forum and a little patience and the problem was solved.
Downloading routes

I've downloaded a number of routes to grab the assets they include, but also just to enjoy running them. No problems. I think, though, that Auran should be frank and admit that dial-up is largely unworkable for anything larger than a boxcar and not permit expectations to reach unreasonable levels. You really need DSL, at a minimum, to get the bigger stuff, and an FCT, about 83 cents US per month, helps a lot. But that is a problem with the speed of the connection, not the DLS.

I have had great results.

Hi all;

This is my first post.
I'm running about 98% success rate using the DLS (TRS2006).
Not gloating,...just grateful that I have had mostly pleasant experiences with the system so far.
I feel the pain of those restricted to slow downloads.
I started out at 4KB, taking many days to download 300-400MB content-with the 100MB/day limit (even with my broadband cable connection).
Now I have my FCT, and it's just a joy to use.

Best regards to a great group

If it's over 20 MB then you have to contact Auran. That's always been the case.
Sorry mate the maximum upload has been increased to 50mb, and has been that since at least the end of last year. You have to contact TPR if you want to upload a file of more than 20mb not the DLS. Check it out.
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Sorry mate the maximum upload has been increased to 50mb, and has been that since at least the end of last year. You have to contact TPR if you want to upload a file of more than 20mb not the DLS. Check it out.
My apologies 50MB it is, that's a better service than I thought it was.
I haven’t had any problems with the DLS or with TRS2006.

However I have carefully followed the advice given in these forums, for example, by making a separate desktop shortcut to CMP and giving both CMP and TRS2006 time to start up and do what ever they have to do before using them.

It’s not a tin pot arcade game and needs to be treated with patience and respect to get the best out of it.

The Captain