Disney world map


New member
Could someone please tell me where i can get a disney world layout.i am using TRS 2006.I have searched WDW,wdw,walt disney world,disney and disney world but it just keeps coming up as no downloads found.:)
Have you got SP1 and installed the monorail layout? It isn't exactly the same as the real WDW but it certainly has the same style.To install the Monorail layout (sorry if you know all this):
  • Install TRS2006 and SP1.
  • Run TRS2006.
  • Select the Manage Content option, which invokes CMP.
  • In the CMP menu, File > Import CDP's.
  • Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006\Docs\manuals_cd\extras\Monorail folder.
  • The official instructions say to select all nine CDP files in this folder and then click the "Open" button. As this seems to confuse CMP, it might be better to process each of the files separately, one at a time. If after installing these files some missing dependencies are reported, it might help to commit all the assets which are currently open for edit. There shouldn't be any need to download any dependencies from DLS or elsewhere.
  • After installation, the Surveyor and Driver menus should show a layout called "Monorail Demo 2" with a Driver session of the same name.
HTH, John
there used to be a site that you can dowload the almost real layout of the wdw monorail but i cant find it no more.... It had the magic kingdom ect..
i have the monorails from jfe.. And the monorail demo!!! What were talking about is a layout of the real wdw track.. It was not on jfe or the dls stuff. It was a site that for some reasion not on any more!
Disney Map

Two blondes travelling down to Disney World saw a road sign that said Disney Left.... so they turned round and went back.... ooppps... I meant to say why not call in at you nearest Travel Shop they might have a brochure with a birds eye view of the Disney Complex. I got one one from there before I visieted there

If you want the real thing, use Google earth. This is what I used to create my CPR Prairie region and Winnipeg Division layouts. I capture screen shots of what I want, then cut and paste them together then create 1 km baseboard maping to place them in to my trainz map as templates and go from there. Not going to get more realistic than that!

Just a note to mention that the demo map was specifically designed to demonstrate the monorails outside the park. The Contemporary and Epcot stations are obviously like those in the park, and the smaller stations are based on the original design for the station at Disneyland, which is not quite what they built, but was the first design shown to the public on Disney's weekly TV show (also named Disneyland).

An actual Disney World map was more that I wanted to byte off, but as mentioned, some others have tried it and displayed some progress. However, I haven't seen anything about any of them for a long time now.

Their used to be a route for the 04trains i was using before the big crash i don't remember where it was i would love to build a new one my big problem is the buildings are so unique...space mountain.and of course the epcot buildings..anyone good in gmax can make them that would be a HUGE leap in making any route.its a project that never seems to get going..but so many people want it.lets work together and get something and JFE you are my hero monorails have to be my favrote of all thanks for the awesome work.

just looked at your posts, and if it is any consulation i have made several Disneyland Boards(including the ng trains and monorail, With the maitenece facility) however most of the boards have something wrong with them(mainly the scale and length) that is slightly off and it just bugged me to heck having to look at the mistake so i made more and more and more> interested talk to me pm or what ever u want to do we can chat:)
A Disney World monorail route would encompass a 10x7 baseboard area with the NE and SW corners cut out to some extent. Limiting to just the Kingdom would be about 4x4 baseboards. Disneyland is 2x3 baseboards. First step for either is a set of baseboards with Google Earth level imagery overlaid (topo or TIGER won't have enough detail). Disneyland DEM data is nearly flat (~5' delta). WDW has a bit more relief.

Simking1 is right. Beamway and trains are the easy part thanks to JFE. All the ancilliary models will require the lion's share of the work.
A Disney World monorail route would encompass a 10x7 baseboard area with the NE and SW corners cut out to some extent. Limiting to just the Kingdom would be about 4x4 baseboards. Disneyland is 2x3 baseboards. First step for either is a set of baseboards with Google Earth level imagery overlaid (topo or TIGER won't have enough detail). Disneyland DEM data is nearly flat (~5' delta). WDW has a bit more relief.

Simking1 is right. Beamway and trains are the easy part thanks to JFE. All the ancilliary models will require the lion's share of the work.

well the way i have started doing the building of the board is i've been using surveying points to map out the the track, not sure if it is comepletely accurate, so far disneyland only takes up 2x2 baseboards

does anyone know if the built in ruler is completely acurate in trs2006?
Could someone please tell me where i can get a disney world layout.i am using TRS 2006.I have searched WDW,wdw,walt disney world,disney and disney world but it just keeps coming up as no downloads found.:)
I have been working on the WDW layout for over a year, and the map I have is as close as I could make it. I have pictures of the layouts progress on my web site. I have modeled The Ticket and transportion center and the Monorail shops building and have just finished the Epcot space ship earth model for the most part. I still have some refinements to make to it. The progress is slow because I have to make the content myself, I found the Contempery Hotel, and the Epcot Station made by JFE and have them on the map. I have not uploaded any of my work to the DLS as yet. My web site is at http://biggsplace.com if you want to see what I have done so far. I am also working on a map of my home town which is there too.
P.S. I have also made the opensided old time RR cars in the four disney colors, and I have the streetcar too.
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Hi signalman65
I like the horse drawn coach and look foreward to seeing the project as it unfolds. Will you have the working boats aswell? car park to magic kingdom and in the epcot lake.