

Well-known member
Okay, I'll admit, I've been a top-class muppet :o

I've been working on a route for some time now, just relying on autosave, and saving it as AUTOSAVE. I've been doing this for so long, I've forgotten that should I go to another route, the autosave on that route will overwrite my previous route. So, my question is how to roll back the changes and return to the previous route again (I shan't be making this mistake again in a hurry!)
If Trainz does backups (which it should), go into the backups folder and click on a date you want to go into and search using the search bar just the few key words of the autosave route you want to find. I never edit with the autosave version as a different route will over write the autosave and there goes the work involved.