Disappearing Bogies!


New member
Recently I've been having a problem in Trainz 2006 SP1 where the bogies disappear on most of my rolling stock. The only change I can think of that I've made is that I recently converted a few of my industries to ProtoLars Industry Tracks.

Basically what happens is all my rolling stock looks perfectly normal, yet when I back an engine up, as soon as I couple to a cut of cars, all the bogies on those cars suddenly disappear within about 5-10 seconds and I get a hovering train. The bogies on my locomotives however stay intact.

Anyone ever have this happen? How do I make it stop?
Recently I've been having a problem in Trainz 2006 SP1 where the bogies disappear on most of my rolling stock. The only change I can think of that I've made is that I recently converted a few of my industries to ProtoLars Industry Tracks.

Basically what happens is all my rolling stock looks perfectly normal, yet when I back an engine up, as soon as I couple to a cut of cars, all the bogies on those cars suddenly disappear within about 5-10 seconds and I get a hovering train. The bogies on my locomotives however stay intact.

Anyone ever have this happen? How do I make it stop?

Hi......Dont know the answer, but I have TRS2004. Something similar happened to me on one occasion. The minute I assigned the loco to its' first destination, the bogies on the loco disappeared. No matter which loco or which driver I assigned, the bogies disappeared. I shut down Trainz, and restarted. The problem went away. I think I had a computer glitch on my end such as a spot on the hard-drive. Beats me. Has not happened again in over two months. Good luck.........:confused: :wave: