Denver Train Show


New member
Anybody gunna be at the Denver Train Show this weekend?

I'll be there as a part of the Colorado Springs Divison YMRR.

See ya there!
woah woah woah. whats your name.

I'm Will Gant, leader of the HO scale (and future HOn3) for Westminster division. Ive been in the club for 11 years now.

I may swing by the show on Sunday, were busy with the scout show at national Western on Saturday. but nothing is going on on Sunday (hoary for one day shows)
Its over in Aurora. Let me get the address.

Its the Model Train Show and Swap at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, April 26-27, 2008. 25690 E. Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO.

Adults $4
Kids Under 12 Free
Free Parking

Hope ta see ya there!
woah woah woah. whats your name.

I'm Will Gant, leader of the HO scale (and future HOn3) for Westminster division. Ive been in the club for 11 years now.

I may swing by the show on Sunday, were busy with the scout show at national Western on Saturday. but nothing is going on on Sunday (hoary for one day shows)

My name is James Patterson.

I've seen your picture of the YMRR meets you posted awhile ago, pretty neat.

Ok, if ya happen be by the Colorado Springs YMRR layout, stop by and say hi.

I miss the Denver Train Show.

The only time I went was when I lived in Nebraska for a few months and that was back in 2004. I have to say it was the best train show I had been to also!
Wow, what a show.

There where only two layouts that showed up, our YMRR group and our supporting adult verison the Peak & Southern.

Only about 1/4th of the tables where taken in the sales side (many people who booked to sale didn't show up) and only one sold things I though where accually worth buying (most of which was Athearn RTR at that stand)

We spent half the first day figuring out wiring problems and then a bunch of problems occured (we are now required to have somthing to keep our switches thrown, and metal wheel and kadee couplers are recommended but not requeird).

In all i rate this show 2 out of 5 stars .

Could have prepared more.
Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of the train shows in Denver are really going down the drain as of late.

Thigns really started getting bad IMHO when Greenburg took over the Great American Train Show. The Greenburg Great Train Expo is a barely a laughable excuse for a show anymore.