deleting objects and textures 06


:) hi ,
have downloaded some modules into 06 .but i am having trouble removing the grass gnd texture from the map,also those pesky reeds.
i have disabled them in cmp and removed them from the config files for the maps,but they keep showing up.had no problems doing the same in 04 with T.O......any help appreciated...steve:)
One "trick" that I use is to use the copy-paste option.

Go to a part of your route that is completely empty ( without any object or texture ), if needed create one.

Select an area of empty space and use the "copy" option. Here you can decide if you want textures copied or height or not.

Move to the area you want "cleaned" and paste the empty space on it.

The result is a fresh empty grey piece of baseboard.
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thanks for the reply zwabberaar.
i have used that technique previously.but the problem with this is the ground cover is mixed in with the other textures. in 04 when i deleted the texture with TO i just filled the baseboard with one texture and it came up for the reeds their just all over the place..
If you deleted them off the map via CMP then go into Surveyor.
In the menu there is something called "Delete Missing Assests" hit that.

That should fix your problem.:)

TCS Route Builder
thanks for the reply adam.
i tried the delete missing assets after deleting the texture and objects in cmp and also deleting from config.txt..
but still showing up:( ..
i will load the routes into trs04 and modify with TO and then import into 06 and see how that works..many thanks steve:)
Kindda dumb to ask but are you using the undo button alot?

Also may check on any other copies or sessions of that route hanging up in "my content" in the cmp.......
no mate,
i stick well clear of the undo button.
learnt that the hard way years ago..
will check out the "my content" in cmp
many thanks steve:)