Czech screenshots (HI-RES)


New member
A few screenshots from a Czech local railroad:
Einige Nebenbahnbilder aus Tschechien:
Quelques photos d'une ligne secondaire tcheque:







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Cancelled Czech local railway screenshots:
Geschlossenelokalbahnbilder aus Tschechien:
Images d'une ligne secondaire fermée:



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Heh, fantastic super realistic screenshots.

ĆD rarely closes a route. Unlike PKP in Poland. Trainz are very reliable in Czech Republic and it is a pleasant thing to use them. For example lower silesia, Krkonose/Orlicke Hory area. On the Czech side 90% of what used to run there 10/20/30 years ago still exists. Trutnov/Zacler/Mezimesti/Teplice/Svoboda N' Upou...

And on Polish side? 10 years ago booming area. Today? Not even one of routes is alive any more. All are closed. Kamienna Gora-Lubawka, Kamienna Gora - Kowary, Kamienna Gora - Krzeszow... railway-fan disaster :(
Thats really the best Czech Screenshots I ever saw anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect work!!! :eek: :D

mfg roembach
Thanks, roembach and kilanziom, I'm really glad you liked the pictures :)

Kilanziom, you're right the Czech railways (CD) still keep in use most of the national railroad network, however, there has been tough struggle for every single mile of tracks since the early 90s. The point is that perhaps unlike in Poland, here the railroad is quite vital for many people to commute to work, so the regional authorities rarely cancel one.
The tense period comes every year in late November when the train schedule changes. In December 2006 there were about 60 km of railroads closed all over the country. More are perhaps to be closed this year.

BTW I do appreciate your knowledge of Czech state of affairs :)
Excellent shots, is the route, locos, and wagons available anywhere?

Thank you indeed, the two routes are of my old ones and are not completed.

As for the rolling stock, the cars are downloadable here:
Follow the path: Downloads - vagony osobni. If you browse the site, you'll find more Czech content (including working mechanic signals)

The diesel passenger engine here: (choose between 06 and 04 versions)

The red/yellow loco also here (registration needed - site in English):

If you like Czech/Slovak rolling stock I do recommend this site: - trainz section
Historical models - under:
note that for the successful use of the cars you need to have all models installed

For other locos you can search also the official Czech trainz site: (English version)
To my utter shame, I have only just come across these shots. They are excellent, and are some of the most realistic shots I have ever seen for Trainz. I have a DVD of the Czech Republic in the Worlds Greatest Railway Journeys series, and I must say that the scenery and general atmosphere in these screenies are spot on and are very true to the real thing. I can't find anything negative to say about them, but perhaps you could add a bit more grass inbetween the rails on the more rural lines. Czech railways seem to have something of a vegetation problem!

Well done.
Best wishes,
Hi Nohabb

Where can I find the 751's and the level crossings? I saw several of both when I was in Volary:udrool:

Ahoj Nohabb, thank you for the links to these sites, I have found some interesting stuff to download. I also wish to say that you have done a wonderful job with your layout, it looks very, very realistic...

Na shledanou. :wave:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Hey Nohab I see you worked with your layout also inside the bigger city areas. I would reccomend to download the Big Rowhouse Pack from, we made it especially for town areas. Large 3-8 story residential houses, typical for east-european cities such as Warsaw, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Kraków or Brno. I'm sure you'll find them usefull.

Some of you might know that I used to work on a PL/CZ border layout taking place in Krkonose/Orlicke Hory area. This 181km long map's beta version is downloadable from too. It's known as "Sudety" map. It takes you for a tour from Jaromer up to Wałbrzych Główny. Lots of action. :D

Here is a screen from this map's Czech side 'o border:
