Current Steam Beta Access Code


Hi there,

I have Trainz on Steam build 126290, I am a Trainz Plus subscriber, and when I try to participate in Beta builds through Steam with the access codes I know, the most recent one being "trainzplusbeta1", I get a message saying "Beta access code invalid".
Can anyone help? Do you know a more updated access code?

You need to check the announcement threads of the beta builds to see if there is a beta build available in Steam at the moment. There may not be one for newer betas. If there is one available, ask in that thread for the new code.
Yeah, I thought of that, but I find no beta builds thread. There's a Dev thread though, should I look there? I've made a search and nothing matches, but I can post.
Anyhow, this is the TRS22 & Trainz Plus Beta thread...
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That is the latest beta release thread.
Look one level up from this thread which you can reach by clicking on the breadcrumbs menu at the top of this page. Beta release threads all begin with Trainz Plus Beta TLR in the title.
It is Indicated here that Beta versions are not available for Steam Trainz versions:

For Trainz Plus Beta via the Trainz Plus Beta Stream
Trainz Store Only:

PC: Requires Trainz Plus 128360 (PC). This is a large patch 12.2 GiB for build 128443
Mac: Requires Trainz Plus 128359 (PC). This is a large patch 12.2 GiB for build 128449

Please report any bugs using this link:
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