Curiousities from Pre War book for 'boys'..


New member
Found an old book form 1930'sThe Wonder Book of Railways, a gem of old explanations and descriptions...

That one should possible in Trainz...

These old pictures are fascinating...

That loco has been subject to some post elsewhere..

Any one know about this ...

And this little narrow beast

Not to forget mainland Europe

I'll try to do a few more.

There is an article about a fascinating line in San Francisco the Tamalpais line...


Any one know about this ...

As you saw in the caption, that is a Delaware & Hudson loco. The D&H was fixated on the Consolidation, 2-8-0, wheel arrangement for decades and probably brought the design to its highest point of development before going with articulateds. The loco you posted must be part of their effort to see how many horsepower enhancing appliances they could pile on the loco and still meet tunnel clearances. D&H was also noted for the concept of running infrequent, heavy freight trains dragged and pushed through upstate New York with numerous relatively small engines. Their locomotive designs were almost unique and very interesting for a US RR. It doesn't show in the photo you posted, but there is a definite Canadian or even British accent to their appearance.

Anyway, that's my idea of a beautiful steam engine and I think I'll do some checking on the D&H on line. Thanks.


Found a site that may interest you here, also this pic of a D&H Mountain, which illustrates what I meant about a Canadian or British accent.

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