CSX unveils "Spirit of our Law Enforcement" loco 3194

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Here's a good link. Shows all the new heritage ones:

Do you have the 911 & Police versions?
As of right now JR only has CSX 1776 (Spirit of our Armed Forces) and CSX 3194 (Spirit of our Law Enforcement) but I wouldn't be surprised if CSX 911 will eventually find it's way on to JR's site at some point in the near future.
Moderator note:
No clue why, but this topic is apparently a spam magnet. So far it had 3 spam posts in the last 36 hours, the first one a few minutes before Dave replied to the topic (so it only looks like he kicked a 6 year dead topic but in fact a spam bot that did that).
I saw CSX #3194 leading a train southbound thru Folkston during Folkston Winterwatch railfan event. I recorded it on my phone, yet I haven't put it on my YouTube channel yet.